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To download mods




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This is a useful guide for the most basic of mod installing.


However the majority of decent mods now require OBSE, or the Oblivion Script Extender, which adds a lot more functionality to the scripting engine.


To install OBSE, first update Oblivion to the latest patch, which can be found on http://www.elderscrolls.com/support/


Then after that is done go to http://obse.silverlock.org/ and download the latest version. Then copy the files to your oblivion directory.


To use mods that require OBSE you will have to start oblivion with obse_loader.exe which is in the Oblivion directory.


You may want to (but this is getting a little advanced) install Oblivion Mod Manager, which can be found here on the Nexus. It makes mod installing and managing a lot easier.


But for now maybe just stick with the basics!


Hope this helped, Jack


(Damn, beaten by bben! Agh, foiled again!)

Edited by poiuy4000
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