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Angel Park


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I could care less. Angel Valley was something I never wanted to download, as it was so out of the fallout universe it really just didn't make sense, and the textures looked nothing like the fallout ones. So everything just seems out of place when you'd leave the valley...


i tend to agree with you, thats the reason why i didn't download it at first because i saw weapons that are just ridiculous for the fallout universe like the rifle from aliens. i was only interested to see what it was but looking back now i can kinda see why it was banned

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I'm pretty sure the goal of the modding community is to enjoy generating free content for fellow gamers. Not inflate our egos over who stole what from who.



lol That sounds like a dream come true; free gaming content. But most modders I know of mod because they can't seem to stop doing it and would much prefer to make money doing it. This isn't a big charity organization put together to ensure that poverty stricken gamers never have to go without extra content for their games. At least, that isn't why I mod, and frankly that would never motivate me to do so. However, it does work out well for you and me that mods are free and that a lot of modders are pretty obsessive in their enjoyment of modding so that doing it for free isn't a problem for them.


You are dead wrong about the ego thing. Most modders around here are very generous with their work and are happy to share if they are asked beforehand and are credited with the work. It's well known that a modder should never take another modder's work and try to pass it off as his own.

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I'm pretty sure the goal of the modding community is to enjoy generating free content for fellow gamers. Not inflate our egos over who stole what from who.



lol That sounds like a dream come true; free gaming content. But most modders I know of mod because they can't seem to stop doing it and would much prefer to make money doing it. This isn't a big charity organization put together to ensure that poverty stricken gamers never have to go without extra content for their games. At least, that isn't why I mod, and frankly that would never motivate me to do so. However, it does work out well for you and me that mods are free and that a lot of modders are pretty obsessive in their enjoyment of modding so that doing it for free isn't a problem for them.


You are dead wrong about the ego thing. Most modders around here are very generous with their work and are happy to share if they are asked beforehand and are credited with the work. It's well known that a modder should never take another modder's work and try to pass it off as his own.

Don't want to argue with you on the ego thing, but like you said a lot are obsessive of their work and tend to over react to criticism. Not all, but that's the stereotype.

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Don't want to argue with you on the ego thing, but like you said a lot are obsessive of their work and tend to over react to criticism. Not all, but that's the stereotype.


That's not so much of a stereotype as it is a generic reaction everyone has. Defending something you really worked hard on just comes naturally. Some people take it better than others. It really depends how people critique that may or may not p*ss off the person who made it.


For example I just made a mod:


Your mod sucks.


My response would probably be this.




Then this...


>:O F*** YOU!

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You are dead wrong about the ego thing. Most modders around here are very generous with their work and are happy to share if they are asked beforehand and are credited with the work. It's well known that a modder should never take another modder's work and try to pass it off as his own.

llamaRCA is absolutely correct.


Few modders would simply give out their work for others to use and take credit for.


But almost all modders would let someone use their work so long as they are credited. What do I lose if someone else makes an incredibly popular mod using my content? Nothing. People know I contributed my content to it, and I still get props for doing so. However, if the work is simply stolen, and nobody knows what I contributed, that is wrong.


Modders should never steal from one anothers. It is against the modders code.

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OK... the whole modder's code thing... it is really simple.


Modders work hard, and enjoy creating unique and personalized content in which they have chosen to share with you. The fact is very simple. The modder worked hard on their content, and since you aren't paying them ANYTHING the very least that they want is credit for the time and effort they put into their project. Now... we aren't saying you need to do one of this dumb *ss citation junk they make you do in grade-school and college, modders simply want you to put their names in the credits. I really don't think that is too much to ask for at all and would a hardly call it an effort to do so. The reason most modders want you to ask them for their permission is so they can see how you manipulate their content to be apart of a new design out of interest/intrigue, or to simply keep it the way it is because that is how they wanted it.


It's just about being fair.

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I put all my work out for others to use and need no credit. In fact, some of my greatest pleasure in modding has come from the discovery of my work in numerous other mods, that I had no idea about, and was often not credited for. The credit is nice, but not critical. The compliment comes from them having used the (my) work in the first place. Requiring credit is definitely about ego, but justified.

The idea that there is some absolute, universal 'modders code' that we all must follow is likely incorrect. In general, following the behavior of the majority of the members (modders in this case) in a community keeps you out of trouble. Were we on a Russian forum, the general conduct of the community could be strikingly different from this one.

The best, most vibrant communities that I have modded in had a 'code' which was all about sharing knowledge and improving the work, skills and general game related knowledge of the members. Of course that was back in the days when the first step in modding was taking apart the game to figure out how and whether it could be modded. So in general the more sharing that went on, the faster things got done.

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There are also non-fairness related reasons for not wanting things redistributed/remade. One example would be Companion Share & Recruit for Oblivion- I've had a good dozen or so requests to create edited copies (to let you only recruit specific types of people or what have you). These are stupid requests made by short-sighted idiots, because if I agreed to all of them people would rapidly end up with a dozen identical sets of scripts running, a dozen different recruitment items that only worked on tiny subsets of their party, and generally the result would be an inconvenient mess. So I went to the effort of making CSR easily expandable/usable by third parties, and I've done that with pretty much everything big I've made since.
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Sun Valley is not a 'work'. It's W.I.P that has been updated for 6 months and just got started to adding quests, slow progress, but still he is on it.


It's not hard to imagine he got literally mad when he found his daughter-like 6 monthed project got stollen and displayed like stuffing on Hot files, people praising of 'their beautiful work' on the the landscape but no single cite on his name mentioned or admitted. So he accused without warning; quite understandable I guess.


But in other words, I simply cannot believe that someone stole 6 monthed project at the same site and made excuses to the end just like as stated. It's too unreal to be true, or at least too cheap to be true. I would rather wait for full investigation to be reported before nagging anything around it.


So yeah, it's not about modders' fairness.

It's about accusation against serious robbery that cannot be torlerated in any kind of society.

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Sun Valley is not a 'work'. It's W.I.P that has been updated for 6 months and just got started to adding quests, slow progress, but still he is on it.


It's not hard to imagine he got literally mad when he found his daughter-like 6 monthed project got stollen and displayed like stuffing on Hot files, people praising of 'their beautiful work' on the the landscape but no single cite on his name mentioned or admitted. So he accused without warning; quite understandable I guess.


But in other words, I simply cannot believe that someone stole 6 monthed project at the same site and made excuses to the end just like as stated. It's too unreal to be true, or at least too cheap to be true. I would rather wait for full investigation to be reported before nagging anything around it.


So yeah, it's not about modders' fairness.

It's about accusation against serious robbery that cannot be torlerated in any kind of society.

I don't think anybody was arguing that it was alright to rip the mod, just that it was removed and whatever effort put into it was lost. Anyways from what I read recently the content that was added by the ripper was pretty bad, so I guess you could say nothing of value was lost.

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