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Angel Park


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Honestly, can't we cool it on the conjecture and all around bashing without having all the details? The moderator has already locked down the file while they review the claim of theft and impropriety. I'll just say here what I said in the original comment thread when this fiasco first atarted to go down. Dogtown flat out admitted that he liked the layout of the river, bridge, and town setup from Sun Valley, and based his town area in Angel Park on that mod. he stated this right in the main comment thread for the mod when asked if he had played through or took inspiration from Sun Valley. Should actual credit have been given to the Sun Valley author for that? I'd say yes.


That being said though, to say all he did was take Sun Valley and add a couple buildings is a pretty big stretch. I've played through Angel Park, and the majority of that mod goes far beyond that exterior valley area (which from everything I can tell is not the exact same layout, maybe I'm wrong). 60 new weapons, around 70 total individual areas to go through, new enemies, back story, intrigue... there's a huge amount of work and content involved in this. This is not a simple "steal some work, add a quick change, repackage as my own" type of situation. AP very quickly became one of my favourite mods for FO:NV and I hope to keep this as one of my main files for any install/playthrough of FO:NV I go through.


This has been handled pretty poorly by all parties involved, and we're certainly not going to be helping matters by jumping into the fray like sharks to chum.

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I wonder if obsidian will get banned when the moderators find out they stole the whole "hardcore" system from one of FO3s modders.




Just throwing some more chum in the water.


It's sad to see any modder get banned or in trouble in my opinion, as we need as many as we can get.


That said, credit where credit is due is a pretty standard rule, and quite a hard one to "overlook".

Edited by adman85
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I try to keep most of my mods free use as long as I get credited use away, the only time I feel that I need to put a no use without permission is on WIPs and mods of "controversial" nature or when I had to get permission myself to use anothers assets.


I love when people have free use items its great and I try to keep my mods in the same spirit, why people can not just send a PM is beyond me its so easy I do it all the time. I PM and Email people all the time to ask for permission, if I get a no I am sad but I as a modder myself I know they have a right to say no and I respect their decisions.

I do not mod for the masses most my mods are shunned by the masses, I mod because I enjoy it and when I get asked to share somthing I try to make it happen because it is just who I am.


There are modders of great talent and then there are modders like myself who can be hardly be called modders, but that does not mean you can take either modders work.


Just drop a PM people its not hard. D:

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Why not say WME is a stolen from WMK like as Obsidian stole the weapon mods from WMK?

If this case was about that kind of thingie, this couldn't even get into under review,

and I even do not call it a 'imitation'.


So as this accusation will be set into false case

if get turned out as was just taking 'inspiration' or 'reference' around landscape from the mod

which is actually the case I hope. (so as I can put it to my playlist gladly again)


It is not just about credits between modders and modders, thats what I was trying to say in previous.

And than, RainmanFTW is right. I'm waiting for the result.

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Alright, im confused.


I love the way the nexus runs their operation and wouldnt change a bit of it.


But im trying to think of this in context and maybe someone can answer?

As far as ripping off someone's mod, the one in question for example, if the land is all vanilla material then the part he ripped off is all data...correct? No new meshes or textures, and by that same token, if someone were to use a, lets say...script that someone wrote in a mod of theirs, which is entirely data, would that also not create the same degree of scrutiny or lack thereof?


I commonly see people needing script advice and others commonly link them to a mod where there is a script written that they can use for making theirs work.


Are they just as wrong as dogtown1? Or does that make dogtown1 sound presumably less guilty?

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If you use someone's script that they wrote and is not part of the vanilla game assets, then yes, you must give attribution, get permission, and if you don't and the scripter brings it to our attention, they will have a case for "stolen assets".


It's insane the amount of stolen assets the fallout community has generated. We never saw this kind of blatant disregard for other modders in the TES community. The result is that people seem to be less willing to share now.

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If you use someone's script that they wrote and is not part of the vanilla game assets, then yes, you must give attribution, get permission, and if you don't and the scripter brings it to our attention, they will have a case for "stolen assets".


It's insane the amount of stolen assets the fallout community has generated. We never saw this kind of blatant disregard for other modders in the TES community. The result is that people seem to be less willing to share now.


Thats good to know. I've always been confused about the scripting stuff and im glad you answered that for me. Im certainly not an advanced modder but always wondered if others needed permission to use scripts for things like "hit a button to place gun on wall" from someone elses mod. Myrmaad to the rescue!


Thats too bad about those aspects of the community, my five year anniversary edition of oblivion comes in today, i think i might go to playing that.

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