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help with modding


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I went on the G.E.C.K website and looked up the tutorial on how to make a NPC patrol, I followed every step, but somewhy the NPC that I ordered to patrol stops at the first marker (xMarkerHeading or something like that) and then doesn't move anywhere. I tried setting the idle time to "1.0000", "0.5000", "3.0000" etcetera, tried even removing it altogether, but the NPCs always stop at the first marker and don't move forward. I did everything by the tutorial, the NPC is connected to a marker (#1), the marker (#1) is connected to a marker (#2), then the marker (#2) is connected to another marker (#3), the previous marker (#3) is connected to another marker (#4) and then the last marker is connected with the first marker (#1), so it's a "circle" patrol or however it's called. Any ideas what to do?
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Isn't there a navmesh already created for the whole map? I haven't added any new objects, the patrols of the NPCs go into areas that should already have a navmesh (near the bridge to Primm, in the NCR camp). I will try it, but do I need to make the navmesh for the whole map or just on the patrol routes and how it will affect already existing developer-created NPC patrols etc.?
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