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New Vegas - Distorted/Low voice sound, problems with vats/landing.


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Reinstall? Its like rebooting,fixes everything.the toaster,the microwave,Cabooses armor....


Lol, you can haz cookie for that xD


EDIT: I forgot, with the new sites I get an error 404: cookies (kudos) not found.

Edited by iansaltman
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oh damn...but we didnt boot Caboose fast enough...oxygen deprivation or something..


Reinstalling USUALLY fixes the problems.Uninstall EVERYTHING. Regcleaner,defrag everythings gotta go(Note what mods you like an use them) and reinstall it and pray that the latest patch doesnt ruin the game again.I did that and the latest patch still borked everything. Repeat it works.FNV is very tempermental



TBH I cant wait til FO4. I sure hope Bethesada and Obsidian learned from Gamebryo and wont make the same mistakes. FNV breaks if you look at it. Fo3 FNV are great,but half-assed. The CREATION Engine looks so good.. Gamebryo can look good(Oblivion,TES and so many other games) It just seems FO3 and FNV were the ugly girls in the Gamebryo lineup and needed a lot of makeup to look pretty again.

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guys no offense but please don't make fun of me and tell me to reinstall because it's in the first post clearly that I DID REINSTALL.. it was obviously something i did before coming to get other help


I've reinstalled over 10 times.. I'm thinking its probably the latest patch causing the issue after what you've said..


and yeah i have ccleaner on a schedule weekly along with defrags

Edited by hgrick
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ive had a ton of issues with the last patch.the one before it was the best,this one is bleh. I had a no animation problem for like a week then I gave up and reinstalled it.


Im gonna wait for Lonesome Road and see if theres a patch in it so I can actually get FNV working again :/

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