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Oblivion does not open after mod list install.


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From looking through your load order you are not using the latest Wrye bash to work on your mod setup for Oblivion, and you are not paying attention to the suggestions that both BOSS and Wrye Bash make about the mods. I can see that you have mods listed that are normally disabled and suggested to delete that can be merged or are already handled inside Wrye Bash. Your BOSS load order isn't working out right either which suggests that you are not using the latest version of BOSS and you are not letting it have access to the internet to update it's load order master list.


As for getting this all working together, I have just gone through everything that you are to get FCOM and all associated mods working correctly together. It was suggested to me and I will suggest the same to you that you load 1 mod at a time and test to be sure that it is working before loading the next mod on the list. This is crucial to getting the most satisfaction out of your game. By testing I mean playing the game a little, going to different areas to view different things. Look inside buildings to be sure there is nothing obviously wrong there. I use the Chorrol Fighters Guild and Mage Guild to be sure of things there as they have armor, weapons, potions, food, ingredients and more laying around to see.


It took me almost all day long to get everything working properly and that was making sure that I had a copy of the original Data folder saved somewhere safe just in case and reloading often. Also if you are not merging mods with Wrye Bash, you are going to be missing out on a lot of stuff that FCOM and the installation of MMM, OOO, Fran's, Warcry, Bobs Armor and the like bring to the game. Wrye Bash not only merges some mods, but it allows you to set things to get along with each other. For instance, the factions that are introduced with each of those mods are likely to be killing each other off quickly unless you change things in Wrye Bash.


Good luck on the installs.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I finally got it to work the way I wanted it to.


I'm having a bit of trouble with resetting Deadly Reflex settings because the hourglass in the inventory isn't working for me (neither does reinstalling the mod), but I'll figure it out.

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