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Tips needed for a specific roleplay.


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I'm doing a roleplay of a vampire hunter who eventually becomes a vampire. thing is I'm not sure of the best point in the game to do this. it needs to be suitably Dramatic. not just some random vampire fight. Loviticus is dead, Seridur is Dead, and he's too much of a boyscout to join the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. Furthermore I need to finish and Order of the Virtuous Blood mod before this takes place. I'm running that mod, Nosferatu Class Vampires, and Unholy Darkness in terms of some vampire related mods i'm running. does anyone have any suggestions? I'm stumped. The thing is he's crazy prepared. He prays almost every day and he knows Cure Disses.
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Integration has one instance where you get infected with the disease without really knowing it, or even knowing that you've been in contact with a vampire. On a slightly unrelated note, assuming the vamperism is a "tragic" event, and not a "descent into evil" Integration would be a good idea anyway seeing as how it's all about changing how people see the "demons", and "monsters" of the world.


Maybe one day while killing vampires you come across a woman vampire hunter, fall in love, get blinded by said love, and in the end it turns out she's a vampire that either purposely or inadvertently infects you (maybe she was like you a pure vampire hunter that got careless and became what she hated, or maybe she was just using you the whole time)... that'd be hard to set up, you'd probably need a mod, and I'm pretty sure there's no mods like that.


Maybe roleplay a big long epic dungeon crawl where you kill a whole hive of vampires, some how lose track of time and as soon as you step outside your skin starts to burn....

Edited by JCP768
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also remember there are big Vamps here and there in the world that will begin to hear of you and move against you. you can always be ambushed, infected and turned by Springheel Jak in the imperial city when its convenient for your plot line....after all there is no sweeter revenge then tearing everything one stood for down in one fel move Edited by Skan01
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