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How do you add new eye options and is a flail possible?


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Well, my first try at this failed, so I'm trying a more descriptive title.


My problem is I retextured the Khajiit eyes into these beautiful examples of natural cat eye colors: http://i24.tinypic.com/x25idl.jpg .


However, I can't figure out how to get them into the game. All I did was make a new mod file, port them in, set them as playable, and expect to have to come in here asking how to limit it to just Khajiit. Instead, I got nothing. If it has to do with the .esm file, it'll just be a matter of reimporting them to a new mod. If it's more complicated than that, I'd be grateful for any instructions anyone could give me.



My second question is this: I'm slowly working on a three-section staff, complete with chain links. My problem here is I have no idea if it will even work with Havok physics in place. What I was planning was to have each of the rods using the capsule shape and doing the chains with a series of spheres. My first concern is whether the pieces will even hold together. Secondly, I need to know whether the spheres will do the trick for the chain, or if I'll have to settle for the capsule's blade sound instead of the sphere's jingling (meaning I'll have to outline each link with 4 capsules instead of one sphere). And thirdly, if anyone has any idea how it would look being swung with ragdoll physics in place, please comment, because that's what the entire thing is hinging on right now. I don't know nearly enough about programming right now to write a script to handle something as complex as this, and if there's some way to just modify how "heavy" each part is, I'd rather go that route.




Thank you in advance for any help you can give on these two subjects.

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I've seen some of the animated weapons mods, and honestly, that never occurred to me. Is there a tutorial for how to synch them to character actions like bows? It could actually be really helpful to do it manually for control purposes over the cosmetic aspect. It'll mean I'll need to learn more about Nifskope, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. ^_^
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