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New vegas stuttering


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Hey dan, please explain more.


Are you telling me that the gtx 560 Ti is worse in performance than my gtx 260? Please explain this, because its 3 generations ahead with newer chips and it has Dx11 support.

I really want to know, because I have 14 days to find something better.


I have the already tried stutter remover that you place in nvse\plugins

I have tried iFPS=60 w/ Vsync on

I have tried d3d9d.dll in New Vegas Root

I have tried all different type of options settings (None work, micropauses every time a new object comes on screen or the background of the enviroment changes)

I have also tried forcing vsync off thru nvidia control panel and setting iPresentInterval=0 in New Vegas.ini


Still my FPS drops way below 20 (Vsync off/on - No matter if its medium, high, ultra)

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For the stuttering, try using:



For the little freezes, try defragmenting your hard disk. When these things do not work. Try modifying the fallout.ini, fallout prefs.ini and fallout default.ini according to the previously stated tweak tutorial. Only, do not enable BackroundLoading as it makes the game unstable.


Good luck

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I run an ATI Black Ed 5XXX series card with a Quad Core 8 Gigs ram and Large Address Aware and even Vanilla I get many crashes. Its due to the devs(as much as I love FO3 and NV) sort of half assing it to work with high end machines.(Ie my HP Dual Core Laptop ran FO3 and sorta FNV very well but barely met the specs but my PC that was built for FNV barely agrees to work well) Are you running many mods? Or is there a ton of NPCs? We all know what happens when you add too many NPCs,Fallout New Vegas falls on its face FO3 also had this problem,but for most it wasnt as bad. Its something with the way Obsidian and Bethesada built the Gamebryo engine for the Fallouts,as easy as they are for us in the community to add to,even vanilla is very unstable.



You could be suffering from a memory leak somewhere.A small leak can contribute to that stutter,not enough ram,dirty drive,background programs etc can all add up over time



And yes what machuidel said,that can help but Id save them and back them up stock and that way you have A) Reference materiel and B) a plan b to revert to. Worst case you have to do a fresh install


However,Skyrimm and Fallout 4 will be built on the all new inhouse Creation Engine from what I hear so maybe its a glimmer of hope.

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I have the same issue


It's mainly when theres a lot of NPCs in the area, or I'm looking at them. Absolute nightmare. I don't get this issue with FO3. With less than 1/4 of active mods in FNV.


Game Booster, Game Defrags, Low-ish settings do nothing. Stutter remover isn't doing anything either. ugh





A guide on one of the websites from the web search has fixed EVERYTHING for me.


The horrible stutter issues are gone. It's just a shame that it requires a lot of things to make it run properly, its almost like the devs did ZERO testing.



Follow the guide to it's last letter. Theres a post a little further down about a Java-based dll generator that creates a dll based off your video card. It's excellent.



Combining this with GameBooster aswell has drastically increased it's performance. But it's still relatively unstable as a game. Worst game engine ever.



The game itself is a double-edged sword. You make the game more viable to crashes by increasing its performance (Removing the Stutter)


I can't even fire a High Explosive missile without causing it to crash. Now if I avoid combat completely, that's when it's very stable. Now wheres the fix for the combat? -.-

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The games engine isnt the problem. The Gamebryo can be done beautifully,Obilivion,TES are two well known examples,still unstable,but look soo much crisper than FNV or FO3.Theres many other games with this engine,and not a single complaint about stability. Bethesada and Obsidian hit it with a club,shat all over it and expected it to work. If you look in the GECK,you will see LOADS of FO3 assets. They just copypastad the crap outta FNV. Still a good game,but far from being great. IF they fix the problems that have been around forever,people wouldnt bash FO3 and FNV s hard. Lurkin on the Offcial Forums shows the same problems here as there. As good a game as FNV is,i just cant shake the feeling its a beta still. My PC was built in expectation of FNV. I preordered it and all that. But it feels like it shouda/coulda been left in the oven for a few more months. Id rather wait for a good stable game,not one with horribly game breaking bugs.


I have like I said a 1 gig black ed card,a quad core and 8 gigs ram.I was going to run the best mods and deck the crap out of it,but as it sits,its just a cobbled wreck. Look at it funny and it makes a s*** storm so big it leaks down its legs. This game is brilliant,well thought out(mostly) and is fun,but when 8/10 people have to go thru and fix your bugs,and problems,donthcha think its time to fix it? OR when those fixes dont work what do we do? ATM I feel like I wasted 50 bucks :/


Javalin best I can say is make a sniper class :/ seemed to solve a lot of my problems.

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