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I oopsed


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My hud is gone!! I run MCM and Projct Nevada and i decided to install MTUI.Turns out it broke something as my hud is now missing and i have no clue how to fix :/

I uninstalled MTUI but still no hud :/\


ok i got the HUD working but PNV DOESNT work,well halfway works. I cant use functions or mask overlays anymore


I HAVE reinstalled PNV and nothing any help please?

Edited by Azrael120782
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And I just saved the day!


Post back if this doesnt solve your issue



Many great mods are now out with lots of cool HUD icons and effects. They really enhance the gameplay and help remove a lot of the Pipboy hopping that slows the game down. But they all face the same problem in the game engine they use. The only two ways to add these HUD elements are:


1) Replace the main HUD file with one custom made for the mod, which unfortunately deletes any HUD effects added by another mod.

2) Ask the user to manually modify the menu xml, which a lot of users are uncomfortable doing.


The aim of this mod is to automatically build a menu HUD file that includes ALL the elements of your favourite mods, without the hassle of manually editing xml files.

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