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Oblivion vs Fallout


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a lot of times Todd and friends repeted "the game maybe is little smaller but it feals bigger".

This worries me for some reason especially sence it think he dident spend 200+ hours yet.


i cross my fingers this is not the case.

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There is difference...oblivion is big but what of it when it is filled withy shiny rocks trees etc, but nothing to do there really, Todd said they adressed this isue in Skyrim and put a lot of effort so the areas are filled with interesting things.


I would go anytime for the "smaller" space and have always something interesting going on, the run hours around in hollow areas and feel the "big"world :dance:


Also remember, the reason why we are all playing still oblivion are modders, its their work that made us spent countless hours in that game.

Now immagine that beth listened to the players about thier flaws in oblivion, wich will make the original unmodded skyrim even more awesome...now when mods start to come out..i think the hours spent in skyrim will double :)

Edited by pavy
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well, not me:( i was stunned with the beuty of the game and those spaces where quicky filled with mods, mods that even expanded the play area .

it also maid me search harder and still today i can run int o stuff i havent seen before.

Edited by lgvlgv
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Didnt Todd actually mention in one of the demo show offs, you can go anywhere?


I recall he said something about a mountain when he was looking at it, that you can get there...if you see it in the distance, you can get there, but some paths wont be easy as they made the terrain more distinct...correct me if im wrong.


I think the reason why he always gone only on some path is becouse he wanted not to show everything and maybe spoil a few things, but who knows.

this could also mean that a lot of areas is unreacheble and what is reacheble is packed with stuff?

After 300+ hours in oblivion the game still feals big to me and this is not the case with my friends Fallout game.

when Todd speaks about big it dosent really tell me how many hours he put in to it yet?


In reality the reason Todd didn't go in the water is because currents wash you away. It was even said that a journalist went in the water and got swept away. Forget where. But GStaff has confirmed that Skyrim will be bigger than Fallout 3 and NV quests wise. He told me that the Skyrim Strategy Guide is bigger than the Fallout 3 Strategy book even with DLC which by the way is over 600 or 700 pages. As well as one person goes to one dungeon for a quest while someone else goes somewhere else for same quest that alone is a lot more than 100 hours if cataloged with all the dungeons, lol. Still Fallout 3/NV is not Skyrim and for TES wise it wouldn't make since for that logic of invisible walls. Only way I see invisible walls is with the cities and not going over it with cheats or whatever. Morrowind had that feature with Tribunal in Mournhold. As for the hours it stopped at 300+ for counting that is. Pete said they are still adding content for Skyrim. So probably over 600+ hours is what I see. The Main Quest is supposed 20-25 hours long said Pete but it was posted as 30 hours first. I'm of course not saying Pete is lying he most likely in fact is being truthful. I'm saying that 20-25 hours is the average for Skyrim. Oblivion's Main Quest was 6 hours but I beat it in 4 or so hours and that was without fast travel. (Of course I had speed spells though.) But still it might take 30 hours for the Main Story. Someone 300 hours vs someones 500 hours that did the same quests and everything would be different if one was more skilled or whatever or the other guy took his time with loot and stuff instead of just rushing through not caring about the loot. Sorry for the rambling.

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Thats why i wrote, most of the time you spent there is becouse of modders...the same will happen with skyrim..im not worried a bit.


Funny thing for me is two years straight I played Oblivion on the 360 without getting bored until I got a PC. With the PC though I spent years after playing it for longer hours. Still, I bet if I had only the console still, I would still play it. (Holy crap 3 still's.) But now that I'm on PC I can't go back, it's because of mods, I play on PC (As well as graphics.) As well as other stuff.

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Thats why i wrote, most of the time you spent there is becouse of modders...the same will happen with skyrim..im not worried a bit.


Funny thing for me is two years straight I played Oblivion on the 360 without getting bored until I got a PC. With the PC though I spent years after playing it for longer hours. Still, I bet if I had only the console still, I would still play it. (Holy crap 3 still's.) But now that I'm on PC I can't go back, it's because of mods, I play on PC (As well as graphics.) As well as other stuff.


Yeah hehe, mods make an awesone addittion to the game, i have to say without mods i wouldnt probably play it so much.


I played vannila long but not so long like with mods...and since Todd said they were listening to players about their flaws, i think vanilla Skyrim will be even more awesome then modded oblivion...and when the mods start to come out... :woot: :dance:

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In the QuakeCon video when Tod is riding his horse in the beginning, the smallest rocks really makes the horse twitch and it looks exactly like in Oblivion when you walked into a wall. I mean, it sort of makes sense...
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In the QuakeCon video when Tod is riding his horse in the beginning, the smallest rocks really makes the horse twitch and it looks exactly like in Oblivion when you walked into a wall. I mean, it sort of makes sense...

what worries me is the size issue and the fact that he did reach the top of that mountain in what 1-2 min? atleast it fealed that way, the video was mutch longer so maybe i was just in trance :)

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