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Dwarf Commoner origin bug?


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About a week ago, I dug up DA:O for another play-through (been almost a year since I last looked at it). This time, I wanted to try a Dwarf Commoner Rogue.


All was going fine until I tried getting the PC to don Everd's armour and wield one of Everd's weapons. None of the items will 'take'; the inventory management screen quite efficiently unequips whatever my dwarf has in a given slot but refuses to replace the relevant piece of Everd's gear into the same slot; I've tried dragging and using the radial menu approach - nothing.


Thinking it might be a strength issue (despite there being no restrictions on the armour pieces), I tried a second and third character - each with higher strength (12 and 16) but still it's a no-go.


I have no mods installed except for the various freebies that EA/BioWare gave away (Blood Dragon Armor, Stone Prisoner, Belt of Many Pouches, etc.) and the game has the latest patch. My last attempt (the guy with the 16 strength) was made with all of the DLC disabled.


I'm running under Windows XP on a box that's far and away capable of running the game with all the bells and whistles activated (I've completed a run-through as a Dalish Elf, and I've got a playthrough about 3/4 done with a Human Mage). The last couple of days of search-engine usage and scans of the Nexus have yielded nothing. So... Help! PLEASE?

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