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Weapon spread and weapon sway


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Greetings kind and gentle modders,


I'm writing here hoping to get lucky that someone will make a mod for me, since I have not been able to find it (or something similar) anywhere.


The reason:

Having gun skill at 100 and having no weapon sway on a sniper, sitting crouched and my target is practically filling up my scope so I can only see him and still missing made me want a game changing mod.


The idea:

What I want is to remove ALL bullet spread and increase the weapon sway. That way the aiming of weapons will be more realistic because you will have to time your shot for good accuracy. I would want it to be 100% accurate at skill 100 with rifles when crouching. Adding a little sway when standing with rifles. Adding a bit more for standing with pistols. A bit more for standing with smg's. A bit more for running with smg's. A bit more for running with pistols. And finally the most inaccurate with skill 100, running with rifles.


The speculation:

Since it has not already been made I think it is not possible to make. Because I think this is the way the game (all shooter games) should be. When you aim 100% focused at something the weapon doesn't fire 20 degrees to the side. Unless the weapon is damaged maybe. If the mod is possible to make and the modder is extremely kind, friendly, gentle and absolutely a beautiful person (s)he could also add an optional bullet spread for damaged weapons.


A hopeful and awaiting

Miceweasel :)

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Try using a hunting rifle, you missing is most likely an issue that carried over from fallout 3. The sniper rifles animation causes the rifle to recoil BEFORE the bullet is fired. This makes it hit high and right, but is usually corrected by auto-aim, though auto-aim has a maximum degree of correction (3 degrees) and a maximum distance. If this is the case then you should try switching to the hunting rifle if you're okay with it's lack of silencer since it uses different firing animations.


Now if Obsidian fixed this issue or you're actually talking about a weapon that doesn't use the sniper rifles' animation then i'm not sure what to tell you. Sway isn't a per weapon modifiable stat. It's impacted by things like strength requirements and skill level, not the kind of weapon used. I'll look into it anyway though, can't hurt.

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