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Simple placement mod


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On my request watto44, creator of the Satchels mod, created this overcoat. However he never told me if or where he placed it in game. If anyone could please take it and create a mod that places the coat in game.

I uploaded the file as "Stanleys coat" on newvegasnexus. I would have done it myself however I am having problems with geck atm,

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On my request watto44, creator of the Satchels mod, created this overcoat. However he never told me if or where he placed it in game. If anyone could please take it and create a mod that places the coat in game.

I uploaded the file as "Stanleys coat" on newvegasnexus. I would have done it myself however I am having problems with geck atm,


If the ONLY thing in the mod is the overcoat, then you can try typing


player.additem xx000add 1 <-- xx is the mod load order.


in the console (press ~ to bring it up)


If this doesn't work then you have to get the Object ID from the mod. You can get it if you open the mod in FNVEdit and look under the armor section. Then replace xx000add with that id (make sure the first xx is the mod load order, you can get this from FOMM load order list).


Hope that helps.

Edited by Glenstorm
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