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Requesting help on two scripts for magic effects


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I'm looking for help troubleshooting two scripts I've been working on for OBME effects. The first script is supposed to lower magic resistance depending on creature / actor type. It does this correctly, but does not restore the values as specified at the end of the duration.




scriptname aaaapurifyundead


ref pmagicitem

short doonce

float spelltimer

float holytimer

short EffectMag

short EffectDur

short EffectIndex

short Dam

short Dam2

short Dam3

short rest

short rest2

short rest3


Begin scripteffectstart


set EffectIndex to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex

set EffectMag to GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude EffectIndex

set EffectDur to GetNthActiveEffectDuration EffectIndex

set holytimer to effectdur

set spelltimer to spelltimer+scripteffectelapsedseconds

set pMagicItem to (GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem EffectIndex)


set Dam to (0-EffectMag)

set Dam2 to (0-EffectMag*.50)

set Dam3 to 0

set rest to effectmag

set rest2 to (effectmag*1.5)

set rest3 to 0


if iscreature==0


if isactorevil==1

modav2 resistmagic dam2

set doonce to 0


elseif isactorevil==0

modav2 resistmagic dam3

set doonce to 0



elseif iscreature==1


if (getcreaturetype==1)

modav2 resistmagic dam2

set doonce to 0


elseif (getcreaturetype==2)

modav2 resistmagic dam

set doonce to 0



modav2 resistmagic dam3

set doonce to 0






begin scripteffectupdate


if spelltimer>holytimer


if iscreature==0


if isactorevil==1

modav2 resistmagic rest2

set doonce to 1


elseif isactorevil==0

modav2 resistmagic rest3

set doonce to 1



elseif iscreature==1


if (getcreaturetype==1)

modav2 resistmagic rest2

set doonce to 1


elseif (getcreaturetype==2)

modav2 resistmagic rest

set doonce to 1



modav2 resistmagic rest3

set doonce to 1






if doonce==1

dispel pmagicitem







The second script is having a similar problem. It is not removing the item that is added after the duration of the spell has ended




scn aaaaholymiscitemadd


short time

short effectdur

short effectmag

short effectindex

ref self

short time2


begin scripteffectstart


set EffectIndex to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex

set EffectMag to GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude EffectIndex

set EffectDur to GetNthActiveEffectDuration EffectIndex

set self to getself

self.additemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation 1

self.equipitemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation

set time to 1



begin scripteffectupdate


set time2 to effectdur




if time>0

set time to time2 - ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds



self.removeitem aaaaholyhealingsalvation 1








anyone that could help me fix these scripts would be greatly appreciated.

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On the second script, the obvious problem is that it never reaches the "else remove item" part. When the logic is true then the problem could be the way the code is written.


Try this:


if time > 0

set time to (time - ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds)




A space between "time" and "0" and parenthesis. Also, if you added an item with additemNS then maybe it also requires you to use removeitemNS or even just un-equipping the item first before removing it. Sounds dumb, but little things like that have caused me headaches before.

Edited by RagnaHighArc
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Thank for the reply. I only have mediocre scripting experience. I noticed the infinite loop problem earlier, but forgot to remove it. This is the changed script. It now is removing the item directly after being cast.




scn aaaaholymiscitemadd


short time

short effectdur

short effectmag

short effectindex

ref self



begin scripteffectstart


set EffectIndex to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex

set EffectMag to GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude EffectIndex

set EffectDur to GetNthActiveEffectDuration EffectIndex

set self to getself

self.additemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation 1

self.equipitemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation

set time to effectdur



begin scripteffectupdate


if time > 0

set time to (time - ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds)



self.unequipitemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation

self.removeitemns aaaaholyhealingsalvation 1







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Also I've been wondering. When creating an effect through a script is there anyway of assigning a kill caused by the spell to the player for compatibility with Oblivion XP?


edit: Nevermind, figured that out.

Edited by kire12
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