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Which Race Will You Play?



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  1. 1. What Race Will You Play As?

  2. 2. Will you play as ALL of the Races?

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Do we know what the racial characteristics are yet? I've only see some for Bosmer, Argonian and Kajiit.


If they are true to type, I suspect I'll start as a Breton. I like to play a human magic user, and Bretons have had magic bonuses of some sort in the past. I will also probably play as a thief, possibly with the same character, depending how bad the Breton racial theif characteristics are.

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Nooooooooord! For the first time ever, I think :D But I've always prefered Darkelves, so I'm probably going to make one of those sooner or later as well, before the custom races starts to look interesting. Will probably not touch any beast-races this time either.
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khajiit argonian orc dark elf breton


Khajiit because I like cats.


Argonian because the first time I saw Oblivion was at my cousin's house and he had an Argonian and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I didn't know what game it was though, so I never got it until about a year later when I picked it and Dragon Age Origins up by pure chance. Even though I originally got it for console, then I got it for PC because mods.


Orc because Orcs are the master race and the first race I play in a game if it's an option - Oblivion included.


Dark Elf because they are the only cool Elves.


Bretons because they are epic mages and aren't Banana People like High Elves.

Edited by frakle
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