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Which Race Will You Play?



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  1. 1. What Race Will You Play As?

  2. 2. Will you play as ALL of the Races?

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My three characters I intend to play as are my main, a Nord and then a Breton and Khajjit, but I will probably play every race at least once.
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Though I usually go with a Wood Elf for my first run through, I'll probably end of with a blonde, female nord, because Skyrim's getting me in that mood.


lol... quoted the wrong thing... meant to quote the following post,


"Not everyone picks nords cause of immersion, especially not me. It's just they are big powerful brutes. And sinec you can have an epic beard this time, how could you not choose?"



epic beard looks even more epic on the dunmer...


Races + Faces of skyrim... look at the dark elves.... the one with the red hand tatooed on his forehead looks awesome... and he happens to be sporting an epic beard


I think i will play a Dark elf that looks about 95% the same as this dark elf... I am also interested in playing an Orc (cause they look 20x better than in IV) and a breton would also be cool


Maybe a khajiit or argonian once i how the animations are done for them


Never an imperial.... most boring race of all time and have never even considered playing as one

Edited by DunmerDruid
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Maybe redguard? Because if my assumptions are correct, they'll be able to jump way higher than all y'alls crackers.
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With any game if there's an option of an Elf i'm taking it :)


I will probably start as Wood Elf or Nord, Wood Elf probably....Though I am sort of drawn to play the nord character, I guess we'll have to wait and see. With Elder Scrolls I never want to play it ALL again so the character I decide to play as, i'm stuck with. When I played Oblivion I never did the main quest and I played as Wood Elf. Then a week ago I decided to play it again and made my character a Wood Elf........so I like elves :)


However it seems that Skyrim will be a big step up from Oblivion, let's hope that's the case with all aspects of our newly long awaited sequel :D

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