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Mod Anticipation


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I'd like to see truly legendary epic spells with animations like lvl 8 & 9 spells from Torment. You know the snap my fingers and you die spells Symbol of Torment, Conflagration, Mechanus Cannon and my personal fav Celestial Host.
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Mods I would like the most are:


Rens Beauty Pack


OOO (or OSO) :thumbsup:




Adonnays Elven Weaponry




OSO is a must because no matter how hard they try Bethesda wont get it all working just right. :wallbash:

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I would like to see a mod that adds a injury system. Kind of like in Fallout 3, only with more harsh consequences. Taking enough damage to your arm would result in your arm breaking, making you unable to wield any weapons with that arm. Taking damage to one of your legs would make you walk with a limp and unable to sprint. And if both your legs were hurt enough you'd be forced to crawl until you could heal yourself, pretty much leaving you defenseless. This should also work against enemies. It would be cool if you could disable your enemy, before you do the final killing blow.... Or just take his stuff and leave him there! Then you could defend yourself and not have to kill them if you didn't want to


Mods that add more depth to combat, like deadly reflex or unnecessary violence.


More spells and magic schools. More everlasting curses that are so powerful that you need to see a healer to have them removed. Maybe certain powerful items could be cursed. Like that sword in Baldurs Gate that wouldn't let you unequip it and made you go berserk occasionally attacking everyone around you.


Snowstorms and hurricanes! Being forced to take shelter in a cave for an hour or two.


A small chance of your helmet getting knocked off when you receive a blow to the head. Real low.


Chance of being robbed by other thieves while in a city. Maybe by the thief guild and then joining them could make them leave you alone.


Stalking animals and enemies. Like a pack of wolves that follows you from a distance, waiting until you're hurt or defenseless before attacking. Or a bounty hunter that waits for the best moment to attack. Not sure if that's possible. But it would be pretty awesome to be hunted by someone or something when you're out in the deep woods all by yourself :)

Edited by Nantok
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I haven't played the game yet so I'm not sure what I'm going to mod.


Buuttt, I love a challenge. I don't care for godlike items or things that make the game shorter and easier.


I want a challenge, I don't care if gays, drunks, pedophile priests, drug users, self-righteous zealots, thieves, crooked guards, etc etc inhabit the game. On the contrary as long as its not overdone it adds a spark of realism.


If there is some way to make NPCs and creatures smarter I'm all for it. I would like to be able to modify combat strategy, and eliminate all the game breakers ie 100% chameleon etc etc.


I hear that Skyrim has implemented many changes to the AI. So I'm hoping there is a fight/flight mechanism and that the mobs can survive, regroup, delay, use guerrilla tactics, and win if I'm too impatient or ignorant to do the same.

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I haven't played the game yet so I'm not sure what I'm going to mod.


Buuttt, I love a challenge. I don't care for godlike items or things that make the game shorter and easier.


I want a challenge, I don't care if gays, drunks, pedophile priests, drug users, self-righteous zealots, thieves, crooked guards, etc etc inhabit the game. On the contrary as long as its not overdone it adds a spark of realism.


If there is some way to make NPCs and creatures smarter I'm all for it. I would like to be able to modify combat strategy, and eliminate all the game breakers ie 100% chameleon etc etc.


I hear that Skyrim has implemented many changes to the AI. So I'm hoping there is a fight/flight mechanism and that the mobs can survive, regroup, delay, use guerrilla tactics, and win if I'm too impatient or ignorant to do the same.


uh.. lemme fix that for you " I don't care if drunks, pedophile priests, drug users, self-righteous zealots, thieves, crooked guards, etc" ... serious homophobia on the net .. sheesh..

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I really want to be able to block with one-handed weapons like in oblivion. From experience with other TES games, most of what I can think of (including this) will probably be made.


I think this is in the game already?!!? i saw a vid where a guy was just using an axe in one hand n he was blocking

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