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Mod Anticipation


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Oh well, where to begin...Let`s see...



1.) More character customization (lore-friendly hairstyles, new armors, clothes, and maybe even custom sliders, for getting even more freedom in creating your characters appearance. That would be nice)


2.) A mirror. Plain and simple. Lets you change your characters looks w/o using the console. No race changes, tho.


3.) Paintings. Paintings and tapestries for decorating your home and making it feel more home...ish.


4.) More animal follower options that aren`t as annoying as dogs, with their barking and licking noises. Ugh. My Bosmer really could use a fox. Or a sabre cat. Kitty! :3


5.) New adventures, new (hidden) cities and locations. There`s a pretty big coastline in Skyrim, maybe there could be a secret entrance to a sunken underwater city. The location would probably not interfere with upcoming EPs (and we know there will be those).


And plenty more, but I can`t remember ATM...^_____^

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I'm looking forward to more mods like PISE and Deadly Dragons. I feel that while the combat system was improved a lot that it could stand to be harder and more realistic. I also felt that Dragons were not epic enough. I mean when you fight something thats suppose to be this big badass monster of death and it takes like a minute to kill. Just doesn't do it for me.


^This! Deadly dragons is BOSS!

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I think it would be could to have an adjustment burea Mod. You were a certan hat, when you walk throw any door you will go to a central place where there are doors leading all around the world. Would be kinda cool. I am picturing a place with dozens of doors leading all over the place.
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Hoping that modders actually read this thread, I'll leave my five cents... :)


I'll suggest first small changes, mostly tweaks.



1. "Wrye Bash" sort of tweaks like the ones available for oblivion (unlimited ring/amulets, gold with weight, romance options as a tweak instead of an amulet, etc..)


2. Being able to push NPC when walking towards them or it could be set as (harder) an AI extra that makes NPCs step back. This is to avoid the NPC (and specially companions) blocking halls and doors.


3. Factions relations more pronounced specially after main quest and guild quests (might be a lot of work this one).


4. The expected balancing mods such as the great Francesco or OOO but for Skyrim (also lots of work, but I'd be happy with only the leveled lists part).


5. Tweaks to make the majority of dragons after the main quest is completed to be peaceful. As a bigger idea, requiring a much bigger mod. Peaceful dragons versus rogue dragons encounters via radiant story, allowing to collect the required dragon souls and still satisfying the dragon slaying addition while maintaining the lore.



This would make the "small changes" suggestion part over. Since they're small tweaks I'm still hoping that Bethesda takes care of them :D

Now the real MODs



6. A list of favorites that is dual. I mean one for each hand. That would allow cycling through the weapons/spells on each hand separately with different hotkeys and without having to pause the game as it is currently. Using a gamepad as I do it could also be assigns to Left and Right D-Pad button which would make it perfect.


7. This time arround Skyrim manages a nice companion system and plenty of them, SO I suggest revamping existing game companions with a personatily, personal plot and a follow up of events like i.e. Vilja or Arren (Oblivion REALLY recommended mods). The request wouldn't be complete without asking them to be fully voiced. :)


6. One quest mod that starts after Helgen (possibly in Riverwood) follows (overlaps in space) the events of the main quest and improves the sense of urgency of the main quest, making it a bit more epic.



EDIT: Spell check and formating

Edited by almosthumane
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I mod with worldspace houses, like an entire cities of world space houses, that I hope to create. Using mainly custom models of course, I just want something for my thief. As well as theives arsenal for skyrim, so I could shoot vine arrows onto balconies, and hanging flower garden things, and climb into peoples windows.


oh. l want that. can l have it now please?


on a serious note, l second the houses - especially some kind of change to collision in terms of decorating. If i place an object on a table, l want it to stay there. I don't want it to be moved by the object being placed next to it. (l know it typically stops after the 2nd time zoning into the house, but still.)


The things that really bug me tho?


1. My inventory. I don't know if it's just because I'm weird and clingy to morrowind, but I really prefer that inventory style. Screw the parchment idea from oblivion - hated it - and damn the current skyrim style to the netherworlds. I want to see all my items in a simple boxed type window, with the obvious sorting of alchemy, armor, weapons etc. No being forced to scroll down. Willing to sacrifice the ability to view items close up. (May be annoying when it comes to the dragon claws, but...)


2. Smarter companion AI - traps, sneaking, fighting based on their strengths. Illia is not a brawler. Perhaps being able to help a companion with a game-long quest, ie backstory + showing that you value their assistance.


3. Economy/loot revamps - even with Cutthroat merchants' very hard enabled, as soon as I hit level 25 or so the # of ebony items being dropped simply throws it out of wack. I would prefer the difficulty of having to chose whether l buy this 2k spell or that one, or if l'm saving up for a house and only buy the absolute necessities. Also, more expensive houses, depending on what is available in the house itself.


4. Enhanced houses, especially mannequins. on this note, a series of tables meant to display armor/equipment l don't want on mannequins. Some of the lore-related gear, l prefer having out in the open so that you see the name etc when you hover over it. Of course, this might require collision adjustments if not to be frustrating, but I can settle if necessary.


5. Npc AI, more accurate/evolving comments on world events. Many people've mentioned it before, but if Farangar - sp - tells the arch mage he should join the college of winterhold one more time l may have his head on a stick.


that's about it, at the moment.

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What I want most of all is a challenge to my skills. and not just my character's level. I mean to my brain power as a whole.


As Epic looking as the dragons are, and as hard as they can get with deadly dragons hardcore on master level. There's really not a lot in regards to strategy. You stock up on potions and you equip good enough gear, and the dragons fall pretty much the same way they do in vanilla skyrim. I killed two aspects of alduin at once and was just kind of meh afterwards.Which says nothing of skyrims vanilla combat. Every battle could be solved by hitting the enemy with the strongest weapon/ spell in your inventory. occassionally stopping to drink a potion. Which considering the sheer amount of skills and abilities available in the game. seems sort of a waste.


Also the puzzles are fairly easy to figure out as well. It didn't take me more than five minutes to figure out the hardest puzzles in the game and move on with the quest. It was frustrating after a certain point and didn't really give much more than an undesired break from the action. the only really neat puzzles where the ones that required use of shouts or spells, and there were only about 2 or 3 of those in the game ((to my knowledge))


What I really want to see is the insane difficulty and tactical planning of dark/demon souls, forcing a player to use everything available to them. along with bosses that can't be defeated via normal means and must be dealt with through use of the enviroment or certain items. Along with really good platforming segments ala games like super metroid, kirby, donkey kong country,braid, mirrors edge and mario galaxy ((just a few examples.)) that don't require much in the way of combat prowess but do require precise jumping and use of special abilities. And Some really neat logic puzzles ((Silent hill comes to mind)) that don't rely on visual clues so much as the player's ability to use obtuse logic and their reasoning abilities in order to progress.


And some unique looking rewards would be nice, Maybe a house to display my wonderful trophies and loot garnered from said difficult challenge. :D

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I'd really like to see this ingame:


1- PORTABLE BEDROLLS: as simple as that (this kind of mods kick asses in Fallout3, New vegas, I'm surprised they ain't in Skyrim yet)




3-ARMOR OF HALBARAD: taken from the character in the game ''War in the North'', this light armor looks awesome to me cause it's just the perfect kind to make your character looks like a true ranger

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I don't have the skills of you brilliant modders but I love all of your work! Here's 2 idea's =D


1. Letho from the Witcher 2 as an armor and body/facial texture! I'm a big fan of the already posted Witcher mods and I would absolutely love to see this one!


2. I would love to see a mod where we can choose to be, like, full on dragon priests/mages! I don't mean the armors either (those already exist as a mod) But I would like a mod where using only shouts becomes a viable option (but not overpowered) And I'm sure you'd need the creation kit to do it, but I would like to see a talent tree that shortens time between shouts and makes them stronger/longer-lasting, you know that sort of thing =) Anyway good luck in all you modders' future endeavors!

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