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Hey Everyone,


It's time for a little whinning, but with all do respect !! I'm no modder, even though I'd like to be at some point in time and as good as some others, who's work I've seen thus far. Even saying that, I msyelf, like many others, enjoy the work "Modders" do for the games we play !!!


Now for the crying, Please please please post screenshots of the work you do when you upload it, even if screenshots are in the download most people wont waste thier time downloading something based on a Name alone.. we like to see what we are downloading.


I know others have brought this up before, but it seems that people are uploading files, with no screenshots to go with them worse then ever before. Not sure of the reason, I know people like Exnem uploaded all of his mods again and added the screenshots to them.. Well I assume that's what he was doing when he was updating his work the other day. "His older work that was on Tessource".


Just a small complaint, but to get you work noticed, a person should make the extra effort and add screenshots.



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Well this is a new website so the old files dont have screenshots anymore so the people who posted the mods would have to go around readding the screenshots due to this new site. now only recent added files have screenshots and i doubt the older files will get screenshots added.
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Thanks for the responce's, I was aware of the fact that it was a new site, that's why I added the fact for example Exnem has been updating his mods with Screenshots.. I can't imagine that everyone who's ever placed a mod will come back and add screenshots to those mods that were on Tessource and now on Tesnexus do to the change over. But I can ask that if your able to upload a screenshot with your mod.. then please do so. It really helps people like myself decide if we want to try a new mod that's came out.


Yes, not all mods need screenshots, so this topic wouldn't really apply to those mods, I was hoping that the people smart enough to design these great additions to Morrowind and Oblivion could have understood that all I was asking for was that if your going to upload a mod that changes texture and meshes of the game.. then please show us.. "downloaders" what we are downloading.


Castles, Clothing, weapons, armor, ect, ect, ect...

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