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Fallout works best with LESS system memory? WTF?


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So I'm a big fan and have been playing the game even in spite of some REAAAAALLY annoying lag/stutter that happens sometimes: When I turn around, use Pip-Boy and enter V.A.T.S. and randomly every now and then. Now, I know my settings are NOT the problem so I blamed it on a faulty code and kept on playing like that. But guess who was tinkering with its boot settings in Win 7 Home Premium and BY ACCIDENT lowered the max RAM on boot to only 2 Gb, and guess what game STOPPED stuttering with the lowered RAM?.


Now, I'm no computer genius but, shouldn't it be the other way around?, should I keep booting up with only 2 Gb or is there a way to tell Fallout 3 to only use as much RAM?


I used msconfig's advanced boot settings to set the max memory to 2 Gb, and my specs and settings:


Intel Core i7 2630qm 4 Cores @ 2.0 Ghz

nVidia GTX 560m with 1.5 GDDR5.

6 Gb in DDR3-1300 RAM.

Twin 500Gb HDDs in Raid-0.


1280x720 Resolution

AA 4 Samples

AF 8 Samples

Vertical Sync, HDR and everything @ Ultra Settings.


If you need any extra info/settings/specs please tell me. Thanks.

Edited by LeonIrv
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yeah runs better with just 2 cores aswell (theres me thinking a nice ole phenom quad would breeze it ), im not sure on this but you may well be able to have just fo3 run in 2gb via your .ini files ( like you do for the cores ) and not have to keep messing with msconfig for different applications


check the nexus for "fallout ini extended" its a compliation of more tech savvy users .ini settings its worth the effort

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