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A Word of Advice .... Backup


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Like most of you I have a lot of mods - I'm currently running between 90 to 100, and the one thing I do every once in a while is to make a copy my entire Fallout 3 folder (currently 26 gigs).

It is a lot of space but it's well worth it.

Firstly I see as to whether it's all nice and stable, and if it is then i copy it and keep it stored away where I normally keep my Fallout Mods, in a folder on my desktop.


If at anytime I install a mod that messes with my Sound, Textures, Meshes etc., then I know that I have a backup.

Then all I do is make a copy from my backup and copy it over to my Fallout 3 or New Vegas folder and fix the problem immediately.

This has saved me countless hours of frustration when facing a NEW problem.


Yes, FOMM installs are normally hassle free to install and deactivate, but when you have to manually copy over Meshes to Meshes etc., this is going to save you a lot of problems.

If you have any suggestions to add to this, I would love to hear them.




P.s .... I create a file and use the Date as the file name example ....... 22082011 Full F3 Backup .....


Or if it's only Meshes, Textures and Sound then it would be ......... 22082011 MTS F3 Backup ......

Edited by Nintii
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