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Nellis AFB - Artillery fire won't stop.


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The first time I arrived to Nellis AFB everything was according to plan: The artillery fired at me until I managed to get to the base entrance, the guard greeted me, etc. I entered the base and followed the steps to begin "Volare!", but instead of starting the quest, I decided to leave the base to finish other quest first, then, every time I return to Nellis (walking or fast-traveling), the artillery starts firing again, and keeps firing even if I enter the base. This is a known bug, and I've searched for a solution without succes. Does anyone with the same problem found a solution?


(I'm alone, no vanilla nor custom followers, and I just have some armor and animation mods, plus all dlc's)

Edited by VanSchroding
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  • 4 months later...

I am having the same problem. It was funny the first time... but got old fast.


I am Liked by the Boomers, and am not wearing any faction armor. They still shell, whether I leave or come doesn't matter. As soon as I get into the artillery area, shells start dropping.



I just hope when I figure out how to fix it I can still find the BoS bodies...

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It is possible that (depending on what mods you have installed) that the BOOMERS are actually shelling an NPC that strayed into an activator. I suppose it's possible with mods that add more NPCs to the game and I know I did it on purpose in my WARZONES mod (but I was careful to only have it happen where I wanted it to). Anyway, point is, wild guess, maybe they're shooting at someone else?


It might also be possible that the armor mod(s) you have could have been improperly assigned a "owner faction".


Does it happen with no mods on?


- David

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  • 4 weeks later...
Seems I'm not alone. Just started happening today after I got out of the train tunnel returning from Angel Park. I'm idolized by the Boomers (who isn't?!), not wearing any faction armour, and everyone at Nellis is still friendly. Yet when I'm outside the base... hello artillery barrage.
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