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In Need of Help with Load Order (Project Nevada Issues)


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All right well after Old War Blues, my Project Nevada lost it's HUD display and whatnot. Well after a tedious time of wait, a new release along with Patch Updates came out, I got all of them along with the required and recommended and did the necessary overwriting. (EVE, WMX,WME, DLC Patches.)


Only thing is now that there's so many more files added to my load order, i can't figure out what to move where to make all of this work together. I can load up my game but i still get the same glitch where my clothes and weapons go out of whack as if the color spectrum exploded.


I know that all i have to do is move my load order around to get it all to work? Anyone think they can point me in the right direction?


I would appreciate any help possible. I really want to get back to enjoying NV, but i'm horrible with this Load Order issues.


All i would need help with is getting P.N. to show it's HUD.


Thanks in advance.

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[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[X] OldWorldBlues.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] Active Wasteland.esm

[X] AEVegas.esm

[X] ValleyOfTheGiants.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] PipboyRemover.esm

[X] IWS-Core.esm

[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

[X] Caliber.esm

[X] MoMod.esm

[X] SpeedyResources.esm

[X] Lings.esm

[X] WME - Dead Money.esm

[X] WME - Honest Hearts.esm

[X] WME - Old World Blues.esm



[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] IWS-MoMod.esp

[X] AWOP-MoMod.esp

[X] AWOPMonsterPatch.esp

[X] Alpha's MoMod Overhaul.esp

[X] Area 51.esp

[X] Classic MEC Gauss Minigun.esp

[ ] Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp




[X] Prove Your Worth.esp

[X] Prove Your Worth (Repeatable).esp

[X] Final Stand - Prove your Worth 2.esp

[X] Prove your Worth 3.esp


[X] Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp


[X] FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp


[X] IWS-Core-Patrols.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Guards.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Civilians.esp

[ ] IWS-AS-HighSpawns.esp

[X] IWS-AS-MedSpawns.esp

[ ] IWS-AS-LowSpawns.esp

[ ] IWS-AS-NoInteriorSpawns.esp

[ ] IWS-AS-EnableDebugInfo.esp


[X] Minimissilelauncher.esp

[X] Murdelizer.esp

[X] AirForceArmorT57C.esp

[X] courierpowerarmor.esp

[X] Dark Mercenary Gear.esp

[X] Dark Mercenary Helmet Rebreather.esp

[X] Geonox_Restored_Riot_Armor_GLOVE_VERSION.esp

[ ] Geonox_Restored_Riot_Armor.esp

[X] NAPA-NV 0.1.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[X] VaultTecPowerArmor.esp

[X] GhostConversionNVRevamp.esp

[X] EpockTacticalClothingRemix.esp

[X] NVBabyDeathclawCommander.esp

[X] Pipboy 5k.esp


[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp <-- I was confused installing this mod. Hope you got it right. :)

[X] dD-Smaller Wounds.esp

[X] dD-More Gore.esp

[X] dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp

[X] dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp

[ ] dD-Screen Blood Vanilla.esp

[X] dD-Full Screen Blood Instant Remove.esp

[ ] dD-Less Screen Blood Time.esp

[ ] dD-No Screen Blood.esp

[ ] dD-Smaller Spatters Default.esp

[X] dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp




[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp


[X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[X] WMX-ModernWeapons.esp

[X] WMX-DeadMoney.esp

[X] WMX-HonestHearts.esp

[X] WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp

[X] WMX-AWOP Patch.esp

[X] Project Nevada - WMX.esp


[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] Project Nevada - EVE.esp


[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp <-- Not sure if this works with WMX

[X] WME - Dead Money.esp

[X] WME - Honest Hearts.esp

[X] WME - Old World Blues.esp

[ ] WME - Dead Money Arenovalis Retex.esp

[X] WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp

[X] Project Nevada - WME.esp


[X] ShilohDS-Desert Succubus CORE.esp



And thats my try- Find out if WMX and WME work together. good luck

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Well first off, i can't thank you enough for lending a hand.


Second, my load order is in the exact manner you described here. But still no luck.


It's just the HUD extension, says so in game that it's not working. It's very irritating to see my character constantly changing colors.


I'll keep poking around to see what else i can move but thank you again.

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I see a common problem in both your load problems,the preorder packs are known to cause problems if you use all at once


Dont need Pip Boy Remover if you use the Readius. AWOP is no longer in previews AIRC it went live awhile ago. Dont need both Prove your Worth either as the repeatable one just makes it so you can do it over, WME/WMX do not mix well unless you bash patch them,even then it can cause problems. PNX has the VaultTech PA,NAPA gave me stability problems,but that was when it was Beta.Dunno if it was fixed Pipboy 5k would conflict with the Readius.




Choose 1(ONE) Pipboy mod.

DONT use all the preorder packs.

Update FNV and NVSE and your mods

Choose WME WMX one or the other,cant have both.

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