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The awesome Lasgun


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As Fallout NV takes place in the future I figured I will look if I could find a lasgun from war40k on newvegasnexus.

I was quite surprised when I found out there was none. I mean this gun would look great in fallout.


It would be awesome if someone would like to make this awesome gun for this awesome game.

I have a slight feeling that I'm not the only one that would like to see this in game.


Here is a some nice picture of it http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Lasgun

Edited by dvda1987
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Well, I don't know look at the link. "A Lasgun has a longer range than a Laspistol, but is nowhere near as powerful

as a Lascannon nor does it possess the rapid-firing qualities of the Multi-laser or the Hellgun."

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