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So is infamy a bit stupid? Is being evil worth it?


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I played another character as good, simplified by Bethesda to always mean who you prefer to murder I guess.

It's one psychosis for another and who cares?

But it's getting annoying already at infamy 3 with my assassin, I can't even get a blessing from Mara even though my fame is 17?

I checked the wiki and it doesn't mention this problem.

I don't even need the blessing but if I'm out in the woods, where I am a lot, it's just something to do.

I don't need less to do, I need more. I want to play evil but it seems it really isn't possible, even to roleplay.

The entire Knights dlc is for goodies right? Where is the pay-off?

On another note, I just started the Dark Brotherhood will this be EVIL?

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It's been some time since I played Oblivion, but I can at least say that the dark brotherhood storyline is the best in the game. One of the related quests, "whodonit?" is in fact the most entertaining quest in the whole game, so I suggest that you make a separate save when that one becomes available. And yes, all the quests are evil. You do have a choice in some quests to do some good, but they are optional. Edited by amycus
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About all fame/infamy measure is how NPCs react to your PC. A few mods/DLC, like Knights of the Nine, require you to have low infamy to do the quests, but other than that the only thing they measure (in a general sort of way) is if your a "good" guy or a "bad" one. As for the payoff in KotN - its some nice looking armour, some fame points and a NPC yelling, "You're the Devine Crusader" every so often. I guess this is good enough for most "good" guys as KotN is about being a good guy and fighting evil rather than the reverse.


Now on the other hand there is a count of the murders you commit in your stats as well as bounty. These will be a bit more of an "evil" measurement rather than fame/infamy. However, there is little opportunity for "evil" in the vanilla game. The DB and TG quests will earn you about 30 infamy points each, but murders are frowned upon in the TG, except on a couple of quests. As for the DB, well thats just business.


For "evil" you need some mods and there are plenty in the Nexus to download and play so you can slash, murder and pillage to your hearts content. Not sure why you'd want the blessing of Mara as an evil player, but if you really want no infamy, visit the shrines (if you have KotN) or console setpcinfamy 0.


As for being evil and is it worth it? Most definitely!!! Nothing better than coming home after a hard day and running amok amongst the genteel folk of Cyrodiil to relive some stress.

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About all fame/infamy measure is how NPCs react to your PC. A few mods/DLC, like Knights of the Nine, require you to have low infamy to do the quests, but other than that the only thing they measure (in a general sort of way) is if your a "good" guy or a "bad" one. As for the payoff in KotN - its some nice looking armour, some fame points and a NPC yelling, "You're the Devine Crusader" every so often. I guess this is good enough for most "good" guys as KotN is about being a good guy and fighting evil rather than the reverse.


Now on the other hand there is a count of the murders you commit in your stats as well as bounty. These will be a bit more of an "evil" measurement rather than fame/infamy. However, there is little opportunity for "evil" in the vanilla game. The DB and TG quests will earn you about 30 infamy points each, but murders are frowned upon in the TG, except on a couple of quests. As for the DB, well thats just business.


For "evil" you need some mods and there are plenty in the Nexus to download and play so you can slash, murder and pillage to your hearts content. Not sure why you'd want the blessing of Mara as an evil player, but if you really want no infamy, visit the shrines (if you have KotN) or console setpcinfamy 0.


As for being evil and is it worth it? Most definitely!!! Nothing better than coming home after a hard day and running amok amongst the genteel folk of Cyrodiil to relive some stress.


Ok so maybe the lesson is I need more self-control.

I just start doing whatever pops up, have a bunch of quests open always.

So I'll have to make an effort to not to get distracted from my path.

Is level 5 too soon to start Dark Brotherhood?

Assuming Deepscorn Hollow is related, that guy won't sell me anything yet so not sure.

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Ok so maybe the lesson is I need more self-control.

I just start doing whatever pops up, have a bunch of quests open always.

So I'll have to make an effort to not to get distracted from my path.

Is level 5 too soon to start Dark Brotherhood?

Assuming Deepscorn Hollow is related, that guy won't sell me anything yet so not sure.


I would think how you play is something you need to discover - and self-control I would suggest is relative to your game play.


Most gamers are "taught" to follow a specific, fixed and sequential series of events in order to play a game, and that the only point of the game is to get to the next step or to the end of the game. Not that this is wrong in TESIV, but doing so means you will miss a lot of the game. To me, part of the game is having 4 or 5 things (or more) going on at the same time.

I sometimes have 3 or 4 quest mods, plus some of the vanilla quests all going at the same time. Other times I follow a questline fairly closely and do nothing else but that questline. It depends on the quest as well, as sitting around waiting for the Grey Fox to contact you (for example) isn't much fun so I'll be off doing something else instead of sitting about waiting. In some quest mods, you may find there is a delay of some days (game days) required between quests and your PC will have nothing to do, unless you take up another quest or if you follow an immersion path. For me, I like the immersion of the game - my PC must eat, drink and sleep and never fast travels - all travel is either by horse or foot. When not involved in a quest, I have a farm where I grow trees and plants (makes money), transport them by boat to a market and I also have a store and a castle that need a degree of management as well.


Because not all mods offer good journal entries (some have no journal entries at all) when I'm involved in multiple questlines I use a mod that allows me to enter notes in a journal ingame so I can keep track of what I'm supposed to do in a quest or for reminders/details of what to do so that I know what to do to complete some quest. The game offers any number of playing styles, you just need to find yours.


There is a lot of discussion on when to start (ie: at what level) a specific questline. My thought is if you start a questline and can do the quests, you're at the right level. If your character is getting caught, killed or otherwise having problems doing a quest (can't jump high enough, run fast enough, whatever), go do something else until you level up and can complete the quest. I run mods that advise to be such and such a level or the player will/may find problems doing the quests. Again, playing style/skill dictates this much more than level. I have gone through mods that advised level 20+ with good armour and weapons/magic while at level 5 wearing iron armour, an iron short sword and minimal magic ability. Hitting something 45 times and dodging/weaving to avoid being hit can be a bit tedious, but the fun for me is in the playing not specifically in achieveing an end result (ie: love the trip, not the destination).

Besides, being lower level is a part of the challenge. Do the Thieves Guild quests at level 3-4 with leather armour, no chameleon or invisibility and with breaking lockpicks. The grey fox quests and final heist tend to be much more fun.


Its been some time since I did Vile Lair, but I think that there is a problem with that plug-in specifically involving buying items to fix the place (Deepscorn) up, but there is a work around or a patch for it. I don't load or keep any of the plug-ins except KotN and SI as not only do they seem buggy, but they have little that interests me.


If you want to be an evil character - lots of murder and mayhem opportunity, may I suggest three mods. Highwayman, Going Rogue and Smarter Bandits. Lots of opportunity to not only be evil, but offers NPCs to attack outside of the cities and villages (and with some good stuff on them). Add a mod that populates the roads with more travellers, and you can be as evil as you want.


Have fun!

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That was a very good post ffa.

I found out I don't have the bug for Deepscorn, I just missed his schedule.

But I'm not wasting gold on this now and it's silly pricey.


So now i contradict myself (just started DB) by saying the Orc bragging about killing the Nord girl on her birthday isn't cool.

Why would a hit squad be killing a 6-year old girl?

I know it's supposed to be humor but where are their principals?


I guess with Infamy to me, it should be intimidating to npcs.

They should be afraid. Just like fame should intimidate evil npcs.

But they aren't, they just don't sell or rip you off.

Maybe the problem with the whole telepathic and levelling world.


I pay attention to when to join just because of the way gear levels and optimal rewards.

This time I'm ignoring it and i'm sure I'll pay for it at some point.

So I'll have to make my own gear again which is ok.

Edited by monster0mash
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Why would a hit squad be killing a 6-year old girl?

I know it's supposed to be humor but where are their principals?


I appreciate dark humour - its a daily part of my life actually - but I really try not to overhear and ignore the NPC conversations and conversation topics that occur at the sanctuary in Cheydinhal. I think the intent was to be dark humour such as assassin's would engage in, but whomever laid out the conversations really didn't have much familiarity or a grasp of the concept of dark humour, particularly as related to a profession. Instead of a chuckle, its more of a "what in the world did he just say?" kind of reaction. All this which reminded me that infamy points can change some of the conversations and conversation topics from NPCs. Some conversations for the worse (high disposition NPCs) and some actually get better (low disposition NPCs). Get to around 30 infamy and then go talk to the members of the DB for a significant change in conversations and conversation topics. Just don't get too high an infamy as they tend to get aggressive and attack.


I pay attention to when to join just because of the way gear levels and optimal rewards.

This time I'm ignoring it and i'm sure I'll pay for it at some point.


I don't pay much attention to levelling up for a couple of reasons. A mod I use for immersion requires my PC to sleep at least 8 game hours in every 72 game hours, so I have little control on holding off leveling by not sleeping until I've maximized some attribute I want to advance. Makes the game a wee bit more of a challenge.

I also tend to be a collector rather than a user of the items that come as a reward. Its sort of a reminder to go look at an item such as the Blackwater leather armour and Blackwater blade (which I usually put on a mannequin and display) and see them still damaged as they were when I obtained them (hey that fight with Selene took a lot out of her armour and nearly broke her sword - must have been quite a fight).


If there was some item I wanted to obtain and use (can't actually think of one) I'd probably pay more attention in order to get the optimized item though. I've not noted any downside to not paying attention to levelling up, but I suppose it could be possible.


I remembered a mod that I played where you can be the most evil person in the world, at least at the end of the main quest (doing so before tends to cause problems with the quests) and deliciously evil after the main quest; its Windfall.

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