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mod reborn v9 how change lasted between the needs


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Hello i' m a new fallout 3 player, i tried to play in vanilla, but the game was exess arcade, so i was install the reborn mod v9, and now the game please me.


But personnaly, I find that time goes by too fastI find that time goes by too fast, and the need was exess important ( in the game we must sleep 24 hours for 20 hours of activities, it' s no realist :sick: ), so my question is :


how change the lasted between the needs


I find how modif the flow of time here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3J5hTYQTbrIJ:www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_12.html+fallout+3+Slow+down+the+time&cd=1&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr&source=www.google.fr


Thank you in advance


sorry for the expression, i' m french :psyduck:

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