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I need to know how to get this to work


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So, I'm working on this treasure hunt mod where journal pages will lead your character up to where the treasure is. The journal entries were written by a leader in a group of treasure hunters who took all the gems and gold they had found into a cave with them, and were all killed off by the creatures in the cave.


I want the last journal entry, which was written right before the leader was killed, to say something like:


The rest of my party was killed by the creatures in this cave, but I managed to escape. I know they're coming for me, so I have little time to write this. But for whomever finds our treasure, may they not come out alive!


And then after you finish reading the entry, I want the ghosts of the dead treasure hunters to appear and attack the character, but I don't know how to get them to appear or attack. Can someone please tell me how to do this? :biggrin:

Edited by EyeOfArgonia
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You can place the treasure hunter ghosts near the journal page in the cave. Initially disable them, make them persistent references and give them Ref IDs. You could have reading the journal page scripted to execute code like this for each of the treasure hunters:



(where AAMYTreasureHunter1REF = Ref ID of one of your treasure hunter ghosts.)


You would make the treasure hunters part of a bad faction and give them 100 aggression. That will make them attack you on sight.

Edited by David Brasher
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