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My OOO sound problem


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When I play OOO (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) I am missing sound for any items in the miscallenous section of the inventory i.e. anything from Welkynd Stones to Bear Pelts. Picking up such items, wether they existed in vanilla or not, I do not hear any "pickup" sound. Nor do I get any sound when I click the item in the inventory menu, either to sell them, or to drop them on the ground however they do make the correct sound when landing on the ground; it is just the "swoosh"-sound from picking them up that is missing.


I'm sure this has something to do with OOO, running the game without OOO works fine. When running the game with only OOO enabled, those specific sounds are gone again. I know this may seem like a small issue, and indeed everything else in OOO seems to work perfectly, it's just that if I am stealing a big golden vase I would like to also hear as I grab it! :) Thanks in advance, NN.

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