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Large Address aware or not?


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Hey i just got fallout NV and started modding it. I got project nevada, the unified hud project and darnified ui. Added the cinematec and dynavision shaders etc etc. Oh and the poco bueno textures among others. So performance is good but im still pushing it a bit. I have 2.77 quadcore with 4 gig of ram and 1 gig on the cards (2 geforce 9800's w/sli). Im running windows 7 64 bit.


Should I look for a mod to make Fallout NV large address aware or not? And if so then what is the best and easiest way of doing this? Thank you for any help you might be able to offer.

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The reason i asked is because when i start play the game runs great but the lag gets worse and worse then i start crashing when i zone. I think i have everything in order but its possible something doesn't work well with something else. Below is my load order and mod list.






Advanced Recon Tech.esm




NSkies URWLified.esm

Primary Needs HUD.esm

Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm





Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp


The Mod Configuration Menu.esp



UHNV-Dead Money.esp

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp

UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp



Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Advanced Recon Tech.esp

Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp


ShilohDS-Desert Succubus CORE.esp


Follower Home Marker.esp


Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp


WMX-AWOP Patch.esp

Project Nevada - WMX.esp





NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp

DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

Directors Chair.esp

My Merged Patch.esp


Total active plugins: 54

Total plugins: 54

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Yes, large address aware is good lol how could it p[possibly be bad, your only allowing the application to accept more ram which equals over more speed.

Anyone know how to make it 8GB aware though ? lol if ts possible, don't know how much it would help but would be nice to use up my full 8GB and maybe get something out of it :)

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My list of addons is very similar (URWL instead of fellout, WME instead of WMX), in roughly the same load order. I'm pretty crashy regardless of large address awareness or not.


I've gotten in the habit of saving before zoning. I'd say I crash after 30-40 minutes, less if I'm moving between a lot of areas.

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The 64-bit version of Windows 7 makes all RAM in excess of 4GB available to any program executable file that has been written to be large address aware (LAA).


The 32-bit version of Windows 7 opens up the 2-8GB block of RAM to program applications that are written specifically to take advantage of that.


FallouyNV.exe Is large address aware in that it will use any RAM in excess of 2GB and up to a maximum of 4GB (4096MB), but cannot use anything over 4GB as Bethesda has it written.


Programs like fnv4gb.exe change one flag in the header of FalloutNV.exe to make it large address aware. In 32-bit Windows 7. FalloutNV will then be able to address up to a maximum of 8GB of RAM. Period.


In 64-bit Windows 7, FalloutNV will be able to address up to the maximum RAM your motherboard and BIOS will support.


Be aware than the independent (standalone) versions of FNV4GB and NVSE (v.9) are not compatible in most custom launchers. HOWEVER, nvse.silverlock.org provides a link so that you can D/L an alternative launcher, fnv4gb_nvse.exe


Also, making FalloutNV LAA will not necessarily decrease or eliminate CTDs or overcome a weak video card or underpowered power supply or outdated device drivers.


Using the latest version of BOSS will take care of 98% of most sorting problems.


The read me's for both fnv4gb and fnv4gb_nvse will tell you how to check and see if FalloutNV.exe has been made LAA.


From the FalloutNV launch screen, open the Settings menu, open the Gameplay menu, and turn OFF "Save on Wait" and "Save on Travel." You can leave "Save on Rest" turned ON. It cut W-A-Y down on my CTDs. Get in the habit of manually saving every two or three days of game time.


Frankenfran - I found that dumping NSkieUWRLfied in favor of LUMINOSITYandELECTROCITY-Nevada Skies Replacersolved my biggest mod conflict problem. Never have figured out what Nevada Skies was conflicting with either.


Hope this helps.


Asplundh, The Tree Hugger

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