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Need Help Adding a Shader Effect to the Player Character


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I've recently become a lich by using the mod 'Lycanthropy and Lichcraft' and after changing the body mesh to something far better than the robe with terrible clipping issues used for the Nether Lich, I now want to add a shader effect to my character, specifically the effect you see on Spectral Liches. Is this possible to accomplish in the construction set?
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This is certainly possible, though I couldn't tell you how to do it myself. I can however point you to Phantom Horses. If you go digging around in that mod you should be able to figure it out. The author found the "phantom" effect to be a little buggy, though.
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Yes you can. You can add it through a spell too. Find the effect shader folder, get the name of the effect and write a spell and script that puts the effect on the player.


BTW the effect isn't buggy, or the liches would be buggy too. What the author of the Phantom Houses found is a known limit with the engine. The player becomes "one" with the item he equips or the mount he rides.


That limit has killed a lot of mods that wanted cool effects on weapon and armor only. I know, because it killed my Soul Calibur Weapon Effect Mod.

Edited by RagnaHighArc
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Yes you can. You can add it through a spell too. Find the effect shader folder, get the name of the effect and write a spell and script that puts the effect on the player.


BTW the effect isn't buggy, or the liches would be buggy too. What the author of the Phantom Houses found is a known limit with the engine. The player becomes "one" with the item he equips or the mount he rides.


That limit has killed a lot of mods that wanted cool effects on weapon and armor only. I know, because it killed my Soul Calibur Weapon Effect Mod.


This mod managed to pull off adding special shaders to your weapon only. Not sure how it was done but, again, some digging around in the mod could prove to be enlightening. :D

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If i remember correctly, those might be changes to the standard magic spell effects. Those do work on weapons only, but you can't add extra magic spell effects. The custom effects are the ones that end up affecting the players once it equips the weapon. At least, that's what i remember....


I'll download the mod and see how it works.

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I know at least one of the lightning and one of the flame affects included in the download are based off of storm and fire atronachs respectively. I'm not sure about the rest.
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Yes you can. You can add it through a spell too. Find the effect shader folder, get the name of the effect and write a spell and script that puts the effect on the player.


BTW the effect isn't buggy, or the liches would be buggy too. What the author of the Phantom Houses found is a known limit with the engine. The player becomes "one" with the item he equips or the mount he rides.


That limit has killed a lot of mods that wanted cool effects on weapon and armor only. I know, because it killed my Soul Calibur Weapon Effect Mod.

Unfortunately, I know nothing about scripting. Is there an easier way? "You can add it through a spell too." seems to imply there 's another method. If not, would you please enlighten me on how to write a script to add the effect? By the way, I want the effect to be present only when in lich form.

Edited by SonDEreiXiaL
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