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Follower dialog issue


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Hi, I am building a companion (follower), I got what I put in it so far working, the basics, (Melee / ranged, close / far, wait / follow, trade, using the wheel. Open backpack, go home, goodbye in dialog.) there is just one little thing that wont work. I've got the default Goodbye always showing up, under my 'Goodbye' so that it lists two choices for goodbye. I have my 'Always on Goodbye' set with no conditions, and at the top level with Goodbye checked. Yet the default still shows up on the bottom of the list in the prompt. Even before she is hired. I've read the Wiki on this, and it is not clear what makes the default goodbye go away, just that you need one.

Sense the default goodbye does not change the variable to that makes the wheel dialog not show up in the chat dialog, none of the wheel stuff works if you select the default goodbye. If I can't figure it out soon, I'll release my mod it the way it is, and hope someone points out the issue for me. If someone asks, I'll post the mod in the forum.

Thank you for your help, this is my first mod, it took me a long time to figure this stuff out, wish there were more resources on this that were a bit more clear.

I have a story written up that I hope to get done, I'll have my mate voice the female and I'll voice the male NPCs.



I got it working, however I don't know how. I changed the Follower topics for the wheel to not on top, and took away there goodbye flag. I'm not sure that was why, or not.


Thank you in advance for any help.

Edited by LanceJZ
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