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Output Help


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Hi :)


Not really got a problem, it's a matter of curiosity and foresight.


Something that has always bugged me is that there are many useful output functions for use in messageboxes or the console that don't seem to be documented anywhere. Things like using "%.0f" in a messagebox or "$Var when printing.


So I was just wondering, what other ones are there? I've seen "%.k", although I'm not sure what it does. when one is posted, I will put it in the post below this one. If you can add or correct anything you see there, please do.


Thanks for your help :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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Here are the output functions known just now. Please Correct or add what you know :)



(Var:Float) "%.0f" var

When used it shows the selected variable to number of decimal places before "f". For example:

Float Pi

Set Pi to 3.1416
Messagebox "Pi = %.2f" Pi

Will show "3.14". May only work in messageboxes.





Used within the command "Print" (not sure if it works in others) to print the var following the "$" to the console. For example

Ref ShadySamREF

Set ShadySamRef to ShadySam
Print $ShadySamRef 

Will show "Shady Sam"





It exists, but I don't know what it does.

Edited by WarRatsG
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From the OBSE documentation:


The format specifiers recognized by OBSE commands include all of those recognized by vanilla Oblivion script commands like MessageBox as well as several extended specifiers:

   * %a - replaced by the character matching the ASCII code passed as an integer
   * %c - replaced with the name of a component within another object. Takes two arguments - an object (ref) and the index of the component you want to access (short). Supported object types:
         o Magic Item - prints the name of the nth effect item.
         o Faction - prints the male rank title of the nth rank.
   * %e - replaced by nothing. Useful for passing an empty string as an argument, as the script compiler will not accept an empty string. Can be used outside of format strings.
   * %i - is replaced by the formID of a reference or object passed in a ref variable
   * %k - replaced by a string representing the key associated with a DirectInput scan code
   * %n - replaced with the name of a reference or object passed in a ref variable
   * %p - replaced with a pronoun based on the gender of the object parameter passed in a ref variable:
         o %ps - subjective (he, she, it)
         o %pp - possessive (his, her, its)
         o %po - objective (him, her, it)
   * %q - replaced with a double quote character (takes no arguments). Can be used outside of format strings.
   * %r - replaced by a new-line character (takes no arguments). Can be used outside of format strings.
   * %v - replaced by the name of an actor value passed as an integer actor value code
   * %x - replaced with an integer in hexadecimal format. An optional digit from 0-9 immediately following this specifier indicates the minimum width of the displayed value. For example, MessageEx "%x4" 255 will display "00FF".
   * %z - replaced by the contents of a string variable
   * %{ .. %} - Conditionally omits a portion of the format string based on a boolean value. The left bracket accepts a variable; if the value of the variable is zero, all text up to the right bracket will be ignored, and any parameters supplied to format specifiers within the omitted substring will be skipped.
   * %B - toggles blue text on for console output
   * %b - toggles blue text off for console output. e.g. "%BBlue%b suede shoes": when printed to the console, the word "Blue" will be printed in blue text.

Note that the %e, %q, and %r specifiers can be used within any string literal and will be replaced by an empty string, a double quote, or a carriage return respectively.

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