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Gauss Assault Rifle


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Ok, so this is my general idea for a high tech gauss assault rifle.(I got tired of the same old assault carbine :confused: ) This is a list of characteristics i would imagine it would have:


  1. A sleek somewhat chrome finish
  2. I can picture it having light blue or cyan lights like the tesla cannons from FO3
  3. somewhere around 20 - 30 damage
  4. runs off of energy or microfusion cells in a magazine(like 30 or so)
  5. and please dont make it look like the plasma rifles with a bunch of lights and wires and stuff, i want it to be similar to the assault carbine.

Thank you for your time. :psyduck:


P.S. I'll try to draw something up ,but it won't be high quality.(Damn Microsoft Paint!)

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A few questions:


Is it for New Vegas?(probably an obvious answer to that one)


Do you have a link?


Couldn't a modder just edit the assault carbines texture and characteristics?Or is that not possible?


I would want it to look like the commando from black ops(THAT WOULD BE SWEET!!!!!),but hey, im just hoping someone does...

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Yup NV. Not full auto,alto IIRC Project Nevada has a Gauss Mini Gun





Problem with going with the Commando(witch is an early M4 Carbine) is it would be hard to make it have Gauss parts unless you know NifSkope and Blender

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It wouldnt have to be a commando, it could just be a sort of scaled up a little or be a little, i guess the word would be beefier in some parts such as the stock, the barrel and a little to the actual reciever and what not, but keep the pistol grip on it the same. man i can just picture in now. im going to spend about my next hour making a picture since it seems like the right idea.Just hop i don't have to throw it away in my wastebasket of crushed hopes and dreams... :sad:
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