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Unnecessary Violence


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Alright, I read in the description for UV that I need OBSE, NifScript (NifSE + NifScript DUMMY), Pluggy, and Unofficial Oblivion Patch. The OBSE has been installed (and I already know it works because I got Oblivion XP to work), UOP was easy because I got the OMOD version and enabled it using OBMM. The only problem is I am having trouble with is getting NifSE to work because when I create a new character it tells me that "Functionality has been disabled and I'm dead." It also mentions that NifScript is required. I'm not sure if I got Pluggy to work properly, because I can't get to that point before I die. I followed instructions for installing NifSE but I am still having problems. The directory that I placed the NifSE.dll and NifScript.dll (from NifScript DUMMY) is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins which is what the readme is telling me.


Am I missing something?

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Having used UV before, you have done everything correctly except for one thing that you did not mention above. Go into your Oblivion/Data folder and locate the UnnecessaryViolence.ini file, open it with Notepad and at the bottom of the file there should be a field that says HaveReadTheReadme = 0 or something to that effect, change it from 0 to 1. This should avoid Unnecessary Death. Edited by Athelos
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Now I'm going to sound helpless, but how do I get it to allow me to dual wield? And also, the animations look the same but I got the mod to work and I go through the process of setting up buttons when I start it.
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