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Oblivion Mod Spotlights


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So, in partnership with a friend of mine, CloudfangLP, I'm going to be starting a series of Let's Play videos on Youtube, and I think the first one will be for Oblivion. In addition to the main quests and such, I thought it would be cool to do a sort of "Mod Spotlight" regularly. It would be an LP specifically centered around one mod (or maybe a couple per episode if short) to show them off and get a bit of attention. Obviously, there are some mods that everyone who plays modded Oblivion knows about, but a lot of great mods go overlooked, and so those are mostly what I'm looking for. Of course, the quintessential famous ones such as The Lost Spires will be covered too. I'm posting here, though, not just to drum up a bit of attention but also to get some ideas and opinions on which mods you think would be appropriate for a spotlight.


Thanks in advance.


Suggested/Confirmed Mods

-Enhanced Quest Roleplaying

-Lost Spires

-Dungeons of Ivellon

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EDIT: No requirements version No requirements version has been released!


Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)



It especially needs some spotlight because a lot of people avoided it due to it requiring two gameplay mods, but a version without requirements and gameplay changes will be coming out sometime tomorrow so it needs all the publicity it can get so that those that overlooked it because of the requirements will give it a look.

Edited by JCP768
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I think a series on the different beautifications that work well together would be cool. . . Let people see how the different sides of the compatability lines compare.



For instance I use All Natural, Animated Window Lighting, Immersive Interiors and rainbows and I think it looks great. However I know there are other mods that do similar things that are not compatable.. . But that may be too much work.




WAC deserves more attention than it gets.

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Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)


I actually tried Integration a while ago, and it seemed like it was really buggy, no voice acting, and stuff like that? Am I wrong? I mean, all that stuff is fine of course, I just hoped that a more polished version might be released at some point.


Additionally, I'll be sure to show off a few graphics enhancing mods (I also use All Natural, I'll see what else I can nab). I seem to remember not being too impressed with RealSwords, though...

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Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)


I actually tried Integration a while ago, and it seemed like it was really buggy, no voice acting, and stuff like that? Am I wrong? I mean, all that stuff is fine of course, I just hoped that a more polished version might be released at some point.


Additionally, I'll be sure to show off a few graphics enhancing mods (I also use All Natural, I'll see what else I can nab). I seem to remember not being too impressed with RealSwords, though...

Ummm, it's a quest mod made by one person and it has over 24 hours of silent dialogue. I mean personally I have a problem with some of the voice acted mods where it's like completely illogical, like:

Guy: "Hi"

Girl: "Hi"

Girl: "I like candy."

Guy: "Gasp, I like candy too, let's go get married!"

Girl: "ok"


You know, with voice acting there's usually so much less dialogue that the characters, quests, development and everything related to the actual people, quests, story make no sense. With 24+ hours of dialogue the characters, quests, options, stories, and everything else are much more polished and complete. Oh well, guess it all depends on what each person feels is most important... Also there are like hundreds of non-voiced quest mods out there, and morrowind, and many great games didn't have voice actingso it's nothing to do with polish, more of a design choice.


Also the use of the word "buggy" because of no voice acting? :huh:

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Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)


I actually tried Integration a while ago, and it seemed like it was really buggy, no voice acting, and stuff like that? Am I wrong? I mean, all that stuff is fine of course, I just hoped that a more polished version might be released at some point.


Additionally, I'll be sure to show off a few graphics enhancing mods (I also use All Natural, I'll see what else I can nab). I seem to remember not being too impressed with RealSwords, though...

Ummm, it's a quest mod made by one person and it has over 24 hours of silent dialogue. I mean personally I have a problem with some of the voice acted mods where it's like completely illogical, like:



Also the use of the word "buggy" because of no voice acting? :huh:


I think I misspoke xD The silent voice-acting thing isn't a problem, I just meant that when I first installed it (this was maybe a year ago or so) I believe it had a promise of an update with voicing and such, and so I shelfed it, planning to return when it was slightly more complete. I suppose it really is a personal preference though... Regardless, I'll be sure to include it. Also, the bugginess and lack of voicing were supposed to be separate statements. But maybe I'm just confusing all of this with some other mod xD


Also, thanks, Frostcraig! =) I'm going to tentatively say I'll try to do the first expo this weekend, but that comes behind homework, D&D, and actually getting Oblivion to run (and that's in the reverse order of difficulty >.>)

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