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OBGEv3 OBMM installation


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OK, so I downloaded the file "OBGE Core" and "OBGE Standalone Effects" files, and opened up OBMM. Create>Add Archive>OBGE_Core-30054-3-0-1. Created the OMOD, updated archive invalidation, and activated it. And then did the same thing for the standalone effects package. No effect at all in game, and there was no OBGE.ini in the My Documents>My Games>Oblivion directory, also under Oblivion>Data>shaders there were no .fx files, but instead there was shaderpackage001.SDP through shaderpackage019.SDP.


I have been beating my head into the wall for hours trying everything to get this to work, but to no avail. Any/all help is much appreciated, thanks.


Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

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Sounds like OBMM may have created the OMOD incorrectly. Try extracting the archive to a new folder, and create the OMOD from that folder. If it still doesn't work, then you may have to install manually (make sure you know where all of the files are going, in case you want to delete them later).
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