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open cities reborn problem


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I added open cities reborn to my list of Oblivion mods but now find that it crashes the game when i approach a city!!

what could be the reason this is happening ??


According to the mods description and other additional information the mod should work without much trouble at all.

Before I added the Open Cities Reborn mod the game ran with no problems at all but now I have no idea why it will not work properly.


I play Oblivion on Steam.


I have BOSS to tell me the correct order of listing for my mods, OBMM


mods list in the BOSS designated order


Oblivion esm

open cities resources esm

OOO esm

DLC Shivering Isles esp

Days & Months esp

Q - More and Mouldy Ingredientsv1.1 esp

Living Economy esp

Living Economy - Items esp

Citthroat Merchants esp

Crowded Cities 15 esp

DLCHorse Armour esp

DLCOrrery esp

DLCVile Lair esp

DLCMehrunes Razor esp

DLCSpell Tomes esp

DLCThieves Den esp

OOO esp

OOO - Water_Weeds esp

OOO - Map_Markers_Stock esp

OOO - No_Guild_Ownership esp

OOO - Container_Trap_Instant_Effects esp

Ayelid Market esp

Glenvar Castle esp

VHBloodlines 1.2 esp

DLCBattlehorn Castle esp

DLCFrostcrag esp

Knights esp

OCC - KOTN - Patch esp

Hoarfrost Castle esp

xuldarkforest esp

xulStendarrValley esp

xulTheHeath esp

xulEntiusGorge esp

xulFallenleafEverglade esp

xulColovianHighlands_EV esp

xulBeachesOfCyrodillLostCoast esp

xuBravilBarrowfields esp

xulLushWoodlands esp

xulAncientYews esp

xulCloudtopMountains esp

xulArriusCreek esp

xulRollingHills_EV esp

xulPantherRiver esp

xulRioverEnthe esp

xulBrenaRiverRavine esp

xulImperialIsland esp

xulBlackwoodForest esp

xulCheydinhallFalls esp

xulAspenWood esp

xulSkingradOutskirts esp

xulSnowdale esp

xulCliffsOfAnvil esp

xulSilverfishValley esp

Open Cities Reborn esp

OCR + OOO Patch esp

Harvest [Flora] esp

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles esp

Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair esp

Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag esp

2nd to 1st person esp

Roleplaying Dialogues esp

RenGuardOverhaul esp

OOO - Level_Slow esp

Alternate Start Revamped esp

OOO - Respawn_Week esp

OOO - Magic_Script_Effect_fix esp

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FIrst off, is Steam and therefore Oblivion located in your \Program Files\ or \Program Files (x86)\ directory? If so that alone could be the issue. Windows UAC causes all kinds of problems with modding Oblivion, and you should look into moving your steam folder to something like C:\Games\. I'm not sure if you'd have to reinstall Oblivion or not (some things like OBMM may not work properly due to left behind registry entries). If you run into that problem look up "Bben's Oblivion Reinstall Porcedures".


Secondly, how much RAM does your system have? I'd imagine anything from 2 Gigs and up shouldn't be causing this.


Third, some of the other mods in your load order may be causing a conflict that results in a crash, try moving Open City's plugin(s) to the end of your load order.


Edit: I believe Unique Landscapes and Open Cites require compatibility patches to work together, look into that as well.


Edit Edit:I also noticed you don't have Harvest [Flora] Base.esm, this master file is required for Harvest Flora to work properly, though I doubt this is related to your CTD. Ignore this, I got Harvest Flora and Harvest Containers mixed up.

Edited by MShoap13
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  • 9 months later...
This is an ancient post, but I'll post in case someone stumbles across this with the same issue. I was having the same problem and eventually ended up uninstalling OCR, but I am going to try it again. I would be suspect of Crowded Cities, even if it is the version for OCR, possibly some AI package problems that crashes the game when the new cell with the problem NPC loads. My crashes were in Cheydinhal.
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