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A Weapon Request-Caladbolg


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Well, I have scoured the internet to the best of my english comprehending ability, and as of yet, I cannot find a weapon mod for the Caladbolg from Final Fantasy X, my searches only finding the Brotherhood, Baroque Sword, and the Nirvana.

Therefore, it occured to me that the only alternative to trying it myself (And I assure you, I would never be able to), would be to post a request to have one made, and here it is.


The stats are the stats, but the mesh and texture are forever :)

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  • 8 months later...



^An excellent high res render of the Caladbolg, incase anybody didn't know what it was.



Hey, I know I must be very late to this post, but to be honest, I always wanted a Caladbolg to use in oblivion. I too, had little experience with modeling at the time, and I wanted someone else to make it. It's cool to see there was a request here, because I was about to request this fine weapon myself. With that being said, I have taken the liberty to learn 3ds Max, and I have created a model. I still need to texture it, but tell me what you think!

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^An excellent high res render of the Caladbolg, incase anybody didn't know what it was.



Hey, I know I must be very late to this post, but to be honest, I always wanted a Caladbolg to use in oblivion. I too, had little experience with modeling at the time, and I wanted someone else to make it. It's cool to see there was a request here, because I was about to request this fine weapon myself. With that being said, I have taken the liberty to learn 3ds Max, and I have created a model. I still need to texture it, but tell me what you think!



All I can really say is...wow. I'd given up hope on ever seeing it made.

In all sincerity, I think the models look amazing, particularly the bottom right one. Incredibly well done. :woot:

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Thanks for the reply. I am starting to texture it. It looks pretty nice, but the texturing process is difficult. I'm not sure how to make the mesh "weildable" in Oblixion, but I have the TES Construction Kit, so I am going to try and make a mod for it. I'm not sure when it will be done, but when it is, I'm gonna put it on the nexus and send you a link if you're still interested!
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Thanks for the reply. I am starting to texture it. It looks pretty nice, but the texturing process is difficult. I'm not sure how to make the mesh "weildable" in Oblixion, but I have the TES Construction Kit, so I am going to try and make a mod for it. I'm not sure when it will be done, but when it is, I'm gonna put it on the nexus and send you a link if you're still interested!


Looking forward to it! :)

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