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Great Khan's karma


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I am trying 2 complete the game via the Yes Man ending (after already doing it the NCR way) but due 2 a bug I can't complete (without great difficulty) the Oh My Papa quest which is a prerequisite 4 the way I'm trying 2 finish the game.


My Karma level with the Khans is 'liked', yet they have started attacking me on site, so the only way I can even talk 2 them is by leaving my companions @ another location & going in there disguised as a Great Khan.


I have been reading around & it seems by doing the 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain' Quest whatever I did with Oscar Valesco has pissed them off...


So is there a way 2 reset my karma status through the console? Or is there another way around this?


Other than finishing the whole quest disguised & hoping their karma level will change back @ some point?? Coz that's a pretty terrible option.


Any help much appreciated I am really close 2 finishing the game again & this bug has ruined a lot of gaming time

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yeah but I've been wearing 'factionless' armor such as recon armor or leather armor, so they should then only attack if they dislike/hate my character, but they idolise me!?!?!


it must be something i've done on an ncr-related side-quest... But what?!?


My money's on the Climb Ev'ry Mountain quest, but even if I'm right I still don't know how 2 fix it

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yeah that's what I've been doing, but the problem is my companions go apeshit on them & ruin it.


I am now almost CERTAIN that doing the Climb Ev'ry Mountain quest is what has triggered this glitch.


So can somebody PLEASE tell me the console command 2 reset the Climb Ev'ry Mountain quest???

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