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What has Fallout New Vegas Taught us..


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26. a shotgun to the face of Molerat pups... is actually fun !

27. 1/3 of an empty map does not mean a future DLC(s) will fill such a void

28. who knew there are invisible walls from preventing you climbing hills and mountains

29. there is such thing as instant ghoulification

30. a second airport (Searchlight) is utterly useless and its only purpose was to fill space on a map

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32: the plasma rifle i so faithfully used in FO3 is next to useless now.

33: the upgraded plasma rifle is about as effective as my .44 magnum revolver.

34: Boone is freakin' amazing

35: The hunting rifle may not quite be the best gun in the game, but it sure as hell is the most fun to use.

36: Somehow a military force in football uniforms and chunks of metal for weapons can give the NCR a run for it's money.

37: I can carry more equipment then a nightkin.

38: An artillery shell that misses me by less then a foot will at worst cripple my leg.

39: despite being able to kill everything in a 20-foot radius with a single shot, not a single enemy seems to use a fat man.

40: The white glove society is creepy and despicable.

41: dress canes are more effective weapons than combat knives, machetes, and sledgehammers.

42: FNV isn't nearly as epic as FO3

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