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The latest screens from the character editor shows me something I think a lot of people overlooked .. The bra strap on the females is clearly not connected to the body or the clothes they are wearing .. It cuts through the clothing in some pics showing that its not part of the clothing but still sits on top of the skin showing its not part of the skin mesh either! .. This could mean the modders might not need to make a whole new mesh this time for the nude body mods and clothing mods that will come out for the nude body mods .. Has bethesda taken pitty on us? :D ..This means we wont need to re download all the clothing in the game to match the new mods .. I bet this is due to the body shapes sliders in the game .. they knew we couldn't make a nude mod easily due to this and decided to make the underwear an overlayer so it could all be done with some simple texture replacments instead! Check it out .. Its clear as day.. http://cdnstatic.bethsoft.com/bethblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/DarkElfCompilation.jpg
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Like I said .. Look at how its clipping .. if it was part of the mesh it wouldnt clip like that.


AND I didnt say it was a new slot .. thay made it part of the skin but not as a layer on the skin but instead a new mesh over the skin mesh

Edited by jedimembrain
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Skin parts are still part of the armor mesh with oblivion/fo3/nv nif files with just the skin texture set so it adjusts to skin tone. Looks more like bad mesh edits or just bad rigging to the way the body is supposed to adjust. Most evident by the fact that only a strap is clipping and not the cup.
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micalov .. I think your right .. But it still has a bit of hope .. why wouldnt they just texture the bra on like they did with the body?..


gotmefaded.. I realize that .. but it would still be caused by a different mesh layer .. Weather its part of the clothes or part of the body mesh is still up in the air.

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