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My Planned Mods


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Ok, guys, here the jist: I was thinking making an NPC, who was an autor, then I thought, he hould have a house, then he should have a house in a city that I made. This whole thing is like a 3 stage mod, with an optional 4th. This will be my first set of mods, the first being my first ever mod.


Anyway, I was thinking of making my NPC's books first, and I reckon the mad name should be "Writings of Mail Thims" (the NPC's name is in relation to something I know in RL) then Mail Thims himself, and a business partner (the fourth optional mod) and the last, New Anvil, the Floating Aylid City (forgotten how to spell aylid). It's all quite good in my head really, but we'll have to wait a year or two (maybe) before we know.


Writings of Mail Thims: Basicly, all his books are spread around the world, and no, you can't by them. I'll throw in some more secretive things into the creation of Mail Thims in the mod as well.


Mail Thims: The NPC, basicly. He'll wander around Cyrodil, spending most of his time in the IC.


Eimaj Shaw: Mail Thims' business partner, who sells Mail's books. He also Wanders Cyrodil but spends most of his time in Anvil.


New Anvil: The home city of Eimaj and Mail. It floates with a stair way near the lighthouse in Anvil leading to a mages guild portal to the main gate of NA. The First area is the Market. You then have the Floating Gardens to your left, and the Residential District to your right. There isn't a castle but there is a County House in the RD. I won't say any more, 'cause I'm coming up with some of this on the spot.


Tip: Don't use the Mail Thims and Eimaj Shaw mod together (thought I'd say it in advance), because I'll make them again so that they will hang around New Anvil instead of wandering around the country side and being pwned (yes, I said pwned) by oblivion monsters and the such. The book mod is fine though, because it justs puts stuff around the world.


Well, please send me any feedback, as long as it isn't stuff that is abusive, just a "Could use some more work" or the like.



Newbie - nearing ametuar that how you spell it) - modder

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I can give you some advice on world building (not critisism either). When you sit down to start putting together this new city, before you start draw it up on paper. It always help me. Draw the layout, then where furniture and people will go, then perhaps lighting. Makes it turn out better IMO.
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Well, I kinda got the plan in my head. I'll decide how everything looks, and the city definately won't be ready this year, it's going to have a whole line of quests. Really long line. Start's with a quest about ghosts attacking the city. It'll be really good hopefully.
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hi all i am a very good actor and i am willing to do voice overs for any and every one that is making a quest.and or story..i require nothing in return..just email me at [email protected] or just send me a new message..send me the script and.the style and what your looking for and i will make the recordings and then send them to u:)
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