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Hallo! Recommend some textures and clothes?


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Being the perfectionist I am, I'm hoping to get my character looking just right before I really start playing. I already have the HGEC body replacer, and I'm getting Robert's for males now, but now I'm wondering about skin textures and such. I've tried a few before, thought they all seem to be cursed with the annoying head/neck/body colour differences. I do see amazing screenshots where it doesn't seem to be a problem, and I'm curious what face/body textures work so well together to get that effect!


I'd also like to look at some clothes, preferably tasteful ones. I'm all for bountiful bosoms, but ingame I prefer something a bit more realistic, and manga style makes me cringe. I'm especially hoping for more clothes, rather than armours, since I tend to play mage characters.


Thanks for any thoughts shared!

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I use Improved Facial Textures (IFT v2.1), and otherwise let Robert's Female do all the work. Works like a charm. I, however, tend to err on the side of realism, and I don't mind default oblivion overmuch -- there are other facial mods, such as Beautiful People, that might appeal more to those who would tend to be fond of things like HGEC.


This image, which has kindly been uploaded by Flazard to the tesnexus user screenshots of the various face-retexturing mods it shows, is an excellent comparison to start you off (Beautiful People is not shown, and is in fact a bit more than just a face-retexture mod -- I've never used it, but I recall it being quite popular in the past, at the very least. There seem to be some new options for your character's appearance that a perfectionist might appreciate).


I tend to keep to the default skin textures included with my body mod, otherwise. Going off of those seems quite liable to give you neck/body color issues, yes -- I'm afraid someone else will have to dish out advice about that.


As for non-skimpy armor -- this armor replacement is possibly my favorite replacement mod for the entire game, and makes the female iron and chainmail armors delightfully realistic-looking. If you examine the page, the author of this mod also provides a link to the non-sexy armor list (which is for both genders, and is well populated with choices for both -- although it has not been updated in a while, it has some very nice mods on it and is worth looking at).


For specific female outfits, Elegance for HGEC is rather lovely. There are also several popular robe mods that I won't go into, because it would take me a bit of time to track them all down, but they're generally all very lovely and fairly easy to find on your own. :)

Edited by thiafy
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