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Oblivion XP - Reinstalling on a new system, some weird activity...


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Hi everyone,

Last week my computer power source finally died after 6+ years of running the same rig, so I lost all of my hard drive including my saved games. I was pretty choked at first, until I found out that Steam backs up your saves (synching, they call it) and so yesterday after reinstalling Oblivion and the few mods I use (literally, 2 mods -- Keychain and Oblivion XP) and some weird stuff is happening.


The first time I loaded the game with XP enabled, my experience bar shot up to green and began flickering. I heard the sound effect that you hear when you're ready to "level up." Over and over. Constantly, even as I moved around the game. However when I hit tab to bring up the menu and level up, the game froze.


The second time I loaded the game, I went to an earlier save, about 2-3 hours of gameplay earlier. Same issues. Again, pressing TAB caused the game to freeze.


I decided it was probably a mod issue at this point and disabled XP before starting the game again. This time, the HUD elements were still present; I could see the experience bar (now blue?) and also the dialogue box in the bottom right-hand corner.


TAB no longer causes the game to crash, but I'm kind of stuck in a jam right now because enabling Oblivion XP causes it to try and level up a billion times or something.


I don't know if there's any sort of console command I can use to reset my experience to 0 to see if that helps or something, but it's rather frustrating. I was pretty chuffed that I didn't lose my savegame process, and it would be nice to continue on!


Also, unrelated but something has happened that wasn't there before -- it now displays how many arrows are left in my quiver when I have a bow equipped. This was NOT there before. It's nifty, but I don't know how that changed!

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Try making a new character and seeing if it has these issues. If not it could be a problem with the saved game in question.
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