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Home-Run Bat


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There's already the Orbat for Fallout 3, it's similar to what I was searching for, but not quite what I wanted. It only does a non-lethal KB on a crit, which is incorrect. The Orbat also "steals the victim's items" which I'm assuming it adds them all to your inventory, which sounds like a good way to get over-encumbered quickly, I don't want that feature at all.


The Home-Run Bat should instantly kill your opponent on a stationary power attack, hopefully without gibbing them, and bonus points if their dead ragdoll flies far far away. I don't care if it looks like an ordinary bat and has the same stats.


EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to say "please" and "thank you" and I sounded like a demanding jerk so Please could you make me this weapon? Thanks :)

Edited by kiresagara
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