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Editing A New Worldspace Loses Tamriel


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Ok so again I'm making a mod with a new worldspace and city. But now, I create the new worldspace and have it all done in the heightmap editor, but as soon as I add an item to the new worldspace or edit the landscape, (I'm not sure which) whole cells of the Tamriel worldspace disappear, such as the Imperial Waterfront and the Anvil Docks. Is there any way to fix this problem? I really don't want to start a new mod since i've gotten so far, and anyway, It happened the last time too.
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What is the structure of your mod? Does it use an .esm or just an .esp? Does it use an .esp mastered to another .esp which is a virtual .esm created by performing the bit flip in Wrye Bash? If you forget to espify before play-testing such a mod, there will be no ground. If you make an .esm which modifies the land in Tamriel, there will be no ground. Basically, you cannot have one .esm modify another .esm. You will instead need to have an .esp modify an .esm.


But rereading your question, it sounds like maybe only some cells of Tamriel disappear, not all of them. The CS is really buggy and creates mod dirt. If it created mod dirt that makes your land disappear, you will need to modclean out those dirty edits using TES4Edit and/or the CS.

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