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The hell is wrong with the game???


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s***, hope it isnt that...


Another issue i just had was when i was fighting the billionth legion assassin squad.


All the sudden the textures of a bunch of stuff just went all wrong. Like, some of the stands where purple or blue, the pipboy was so blurred i couldnt get anything out of it and some outfits where off too.

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I don't really know what to tell you other than this game is buggy. YOu are on v1.4 right? And you are using no mods other than then the packs and dlc.. Shouldn't be having this much of an issue.
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Yep. Using a fresh install with only the DLCs and the latest version that was updated through steam. From the point where i reinstalled the game, the only thing that changed on my comp is my graphic card drivers. I updated its drivers not long ago (GeForce 210), but i dont see how that could cause a problem.
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Big help to my games crashism... after the Aug 25, 2011 Fallout: New Vegas patch to improve performance and crush dozens of bugs. the patch actualy gave me no end of bugs and mole ratties and CTD's


So I got me some...

FNVEdit.exe... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34703

renamed to FnvMasterUpdate.exe

and FnvMasterRestore.exe


Zeruel 02-14-2011, 03:28 AM

If you are referring to the infamous 1.5 bug in Fallout 3, then no. However, changing your plugins to masters can potentially make the game more stable, so it is not a bad idea (save maybe the Bashed Patch, only because you cannot rebuild it if it is changed to a master...you would have to recopy the blank one to rebuild).


Here's a batch file to do it for you and look at Wrye's beautiful tool when its done right.


rem This batch file will set up MasterUpdate and MasterRestor. 
rem Place it into the same directory with FO3Edit.exe and activate it.
rem FO3Edit.exe link http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637

copy FnvEdit.exe FnvMasterRestore.exe
copy FnvEdit.exe FnvMasterUpdate.exe

Woops it should say FNVEdit not FO3Edit D'ow!



Put FNVEdit and the masterupdate setup.bat file into you're directory with

[drive]:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\FalloutNV.exe.

run the batch file and you should have two new EXE files and if you use Wrye Flash NV the new icons will be ready for clicky...



What this does is it sets the master flag in all the ESP's and some other important things like ... well look here its the same thing

How to reduce crashing using FO3Edit : Fallout 3


and look here Fallout3 Training Manual for FO3Edit at Fallout 3 Nexus - Fallout 3 mods and community


Oh and shame on any Pie Rats if I can get this game so can you Pie Rats with your binoculars and spears and shotguns and machetais... Tisky tisk.

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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