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How much of a viable option will 3rd person be now?


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From what I've heard you can change the angle at which the 3rd person camera stays.For example you could have a Fallout 3 over-the-shoulder style camera, or you could have it center on the character a'la Oblivion.You can see something like that in the GTTV video, though I was under the impression the angle only changed because he drew his weapon, that may not be the case.
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Yeah... I think 3rd person works really well for games like Zelda, but there are mechanics in this game that really requires you to be able to see things closely, like picking up a single gold coin on top of a desk. It's just IMO too tough to discern that detail quickly from the 3rd person perspective. However, in some circumstances, it might be beneficial to switch to 3rd person, such as times when you are surrounded by enemies and you need to keep an eye on them. Regardless, I hear it's much improved, which was much needed. Also, hurrah for OTS perspective.
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