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Regarding Companion Stoker and Synx Male Race


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I am not exactly an experienced modder, but I've been reading a lot of mod manuals. I'm having a hard time editing the Companion Stoker Wolff's appearance. Each time I try to edit his race to Synx Male and his face on the the construction set and successfully save it, it seems to make my Oblivion crash.


So this what I do:


I open TES construction set, then load StokerWolff.esp and Synx.esp. I look for Stoker's file in the RenMysticMale folder and open it. I change his race to "Synx Male" and alter his appearance to my liking. And then I click "OK" and click "Save". I open Oblivion and find out that my game crashes whenever I try to enter the dungeon where Stoker Wolff is in.


Whenever I try to open StokerWolff's esp on the construction set again, it says it can't find the "race", and sets Stoker's race as "Vampire".


I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is anyone willing to help a poor newbie? Thank you very much!

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Hello again. I just found out something. I have not done these yet, but I'll try it out later! I just hope this is the right way of doing it.


Using Custom Faces/Races


1. You will need to download TES4 Plugin Utility, Wrye Bash, TESGecko or another utility that creates master files, that is, files with the esm extension. Use the utility to convert Ren’s Beauty esp for example (or another face/race mod) into an esm file. Let's call it Rens Beauty.esm.

2. Open the TES Construction Set, select Oblivion.esm, CM Partners.esm, Rens Beauty.esm, CM Partners.esp, and make your custom NPC mod the active file.

3. Change the faces and save.

4. Now convert that Rens Beauty.esm to an esp. Use Wrye Bash to change your mod’s dependency from the esm to the esp. Then DISABLE the esm and ACTIVATE the esp. Should work now.

5. You can download tutorials from the following link on how to transfer/import faces from saved games to companions: http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?showtopic=26340 .

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